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I have created a team dogfight mission that we may be able to use for our Europe vs USA dogfight and would like to test it starting on Saturday afternoon at 3pm EST!


I have put 36 aircraft in the mission but I understand the max limit for online MP in 16 players. I have Fokker Dr1's and Fokker D7F's flying against Se5a Viper's and Camels.


Let's see how many people we can pack into this mission. It will give us some idea of where we need to head and what we need to do for future games of this type.


I am posting this early so you have time to clear your schedules for this test.


Oh! And remember!



Edited by Axgrinder

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Sargeant Bala rushes to put the kettle on in the Brits Dispersal, finds the biscuits and shoos the goat out of the tent.

Edited by Balalaika

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Sargeant Bala rushes to put the kettle on in the Brits Dispersal, finds the biscuits and shoos the goat out of the tent.


Well Bala, there doesn't seem to be much of a response to this post. I hope we can at least get what's turning out to be our regulars to show up Saturday! Duck, Joker, Alpha8 and I flew the mission and it looks like it has some good possibilities.

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Yeah, Axe - I just logged on to post that I was returning to the goat mascot back into the tent, in case its removal prompted people not to reply :((


There was so much interest in us vs you in the other thread, that some feedback may have occured. Maybe its me (starts to feel paranoid).

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I'd like to give it a go.


Hopefully I'll be able to stay in the air more than 30 seconds by then !

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What time is that UK?...cos I'm thick!

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8pm Widow - a great saturday nights entertainment!

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8pm Widow - a great saturday nights entertainment!


That looks good to me!... I will be there! :good:

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That looks good to me!... I will be there! :good:


Any way you and Bala can get together on TS to make sure you are OK for Saturday?

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Any way you and Bala can get together on TS to make sure you are OK for Saturday?


Once I can get TS sorted (or rather my Mic issue) {sigh} :blink:

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Once I can get TS sorted (or rather my Mic issue) {sigh} :blink:


He can help you with TS as well. You are able to chat on TS even if you can't hear each other.

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Well Bala, there doesn't seem to be much of a response to this post. I hope we can at least get what's turning out to be our regulars to show up Saturday! Duck, Joker, Alpha8 and I flew the mission and it looks like it has some good possibilities.



Ax, I would be there to give it a try, but the weekend is full with out of town visitors. Plus, I still don't know if I am going to get online.. Will give it a try the first time I see a game up that I am free. I'm still here. Ras

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If have not got a headset, Plantonics do a nice 'closed-cup' set for about £30. TrackIR clips on fine. You can even pick up a budget pair for about 8 quid from Tesco.


For Teamspeak, follow this link and simply choose to install the top option for windows:







After you install your teamspeak client software, settings are as follows


server addres is (note colon befor 8767)


Logon name is whatever you chose


Password is camel


Suggest you leave the setting "push to talk", until such time as you are comfortable with your input output settings.


As some buttons conflict with OFF, after some trial and error, I use RIGHT CTRL key when I want to speak (actually, I should just record a macro that automatically says ''damn! ok, guys, is there a spare plane free?''). Right CTRL works a treat tho.


Teamspeak comes with a chatbox that you can right click into to communicate whilst setting up the thing, but In my experience it just kinda works 'straight outta the box'.


If you want, I can join on on TS and join a MP if you want to host on saturday afternoon?

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Seeing as how you europeans might be having some difficulty getting enought players toghether,,,i couldnt help but notice that polovski is from your neck of the woods...


now..seems to me any pilot worth his salt would be more than willing to step forward to defend his country's honor....


guess time will tell......

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Seeing as how you europeans might be having some difficulty getting enought players toghether,,,i couldnt help but notice that polovski is from your neck of the woods...


now..seems to me any pilot worth his salt would be more than willing to step forward to defend his country's honor....


guess time will tell......


Hahaha, Duck, you crack me up lol. Hey folks, that Axe mission was lots of fun. Hope I can make it back from a meeting Saturday in time to mix it up a little. Hope to be there.


Hey you Brits ever hear of a TVR? It's a LBC (little British Sports car) made in Blackpool, England.. Mine is a 1973 vintage. Real hoot to drive but definately need to carry a full set of tools with you :)

Edited by phantomjoker

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Hello chaps,


Just to let you know that I'll be exploring all the MP stuff that's been posted on here, plus I'm in the process of getting a decent FFB stick, and, probably, a mike and Teamspeak. Once I've got it all plumbed in, I'll be available to uphold the honour of His Brittanic Majesty (which in my case consists of ensuring that I collect all the bullets that would otherwise hit my fellow squadron members. We all serve in our own, different, ways...). Pencil me in for the end of next week or thereabouts, work and wife permitting. One final thought: would a 6pm (BST) start make more sense, or would that be too early for the colonials? One further final thought: any chance of we Yurpeens having an MP do amongst ourselves?





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Ha...If you American sorts think for one minute, that us Brits cannot form a squad big enough to take you on..you are sadly mistaken! :nono: ...... We will give you a run for your money!!! :smile:

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I'll certainly volunteer as target material


I can confuse our honourable opponents with my inept flying style!!!

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Gonna have to bow out of this weeks excursion I'm afraid...Mic is totally Kaput...Will get one on Monday.


Enjoy..and see you soon

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The IP for this afternoons dogfight is:


Please write it down. If anyone else hosts this afternoon they will give their IP over Teamspeak.

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The IP for this afternoons dogfight is:


Please write it down. If anyone else hosts this afternoon they will give their IP over Teamspeak.





GREAT JOB EVERYONE! I think the Dogfight mission was a great success except for Bala being the only pilot from across the pond. Maybe next time?


I will be on vacation from the 18th thru the 27th of june so it will be up to one of our other pilots to host an afternoon game on the 20th for our British friend(s).


Sitting Duck is good for some evening games for the USA pilots. Check the posts here for game info frequently. Sometimes they pop up at the last minute.


OH, and remember -



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Aww, man. Just got to repeat my thanks for hosting these games Ax - been a real highlight of the week and something to look forward too.


Have a great vacation and hope you really enjoy it :)


Thanks to all the great people I have met in the last few weeks, Ducky, Matt, Saburo, Joker, Ras, Stumpy, Rooster, Von Braur, Alpha, Kami, Ax, Gryph, Fokker ( missing this crazy dude), and any I forgot due to me being a lame ass ;)


Thanks for your patience and raising the bar on flying skills - can't wait till next time!

Edited by Balalaika

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ok..so there we were...all landed saftley....and bala tucks himself into one of the hangers.......and goes to sleep


must be a european thing........




Edited by sitting_duck

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Good flying fun for everyone!


Took a few shots. In no certain order are Bala's Camel after he showed that you can taxi a biplane into a hangar. Not to be outdone, I soon followed with my Bristol. THe other two were from a recon photo mission, of what was never made quite clear, so I snapped a couple at a destroyer we bombed - High Command had better be pleased!


For myself, the most fun was the first mission, the enormous furrball which Ax modified with great results - it was awesome - I was so involved I didn't have time to shoot any pics. The only suggestion I would make with that the next time, for what it's worth, is before the flight we all decide who are wingmen are and try that. And Ax, playing that mission in single has shown me the enemy AI isn't all that hot - is there any programming magic that would make the enemy AI more unpredictable? Not a complaint but with Camels against Albatrosses, I think they need the help. Just ideas and great fun, as always - thanks for hosting!







Edited by saburo

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Great pics guys! If the pics of us going after the ship doesn't wet peoples whistles to fly online I don't know what will.


I really appreciate everyone's participation in today's session. It makes hosting games a lot more fun!

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