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There is no real A-4K models made so these three use the closest Thirdwire models. These models are for WOX versions of Thirdwire games.


If you have any Thirdwire WOX games and you extract all the required .lod files they will work in SF2 series games. However the SF2 models have been very much updated from WOX versions and look much,much better and have greater detail. Plus I am curtainly working on those SF2 models to bring A-4k's into SF2 series.


These three models all use Truck-Lo's cockpit which is available in the Combat-Ace download section and included, plus can also be modded to use the A-4AR's cockpit as well. I do not know how different the A-4AR's cockpit is from the A-4K's cockpit, but believe to look at they are very similar.




You just need to copy or drag and drop the aircraft into your Aircraft folders and tanks to be installed in the usual way. Note I do not know who made the green A-4K tank, because it has alway been there in my weapons folder. I think it may have come from Bunyaps Weapons orginally. It is also included in 331Killerbees pack.


I have tinkered with the weapons loadout files a little and they may not be totally correct, feel free to amend if you want. They are set for fun rather that relistic.


First model is A-4K Euro 1 which based on the stock Thirdwire A-4F, RNZAF A-4K's where late model A-4F without the tail top pod. Where originally painted in SEA camo, see A-4K SEA in Combat-Ace downloads which I painted for Truck-Lo. The Euro Camo came later, I cannot remember the date, then another upgrade happened and the hump became reduntant and was removed, I used Thirdwire A-4E, closest match. Then New Zealand brought A-4G from Austrailia sometime after the Austrailan Navy retired its last carrier. On entering service in NZ the A-4G's only had their markings and numbers changed, they remained in the tone grey camo. I've released as SF2 model only, not included here. Later the A-4K's and A-4G's where all upgraded to A-4K Kura, Hawk in English, and where all painted green.

The A-4K Green 1 skin is fictional.I was playing around one wet weekend.


Feel free to mode as you like but must remain Freeware. I have no problems with that and you do not need my permission to change, improve on and release. This is what makes ThirdWire and its Forums so great and helps it to keep going, for over seven years I think I read somewhere.



Thanks to TK, Thirdwire


To Truck-Lo


To Bunyap and 331Killerbee


And to Marcfighters, I used your A-4F Israeli model a lot as reference when I first started painting the SEA Camo. Helped me alot in find those strange parts on the templates.


Ps, there are even more on TK's new models. I think I have found all the hinges now and where they are mapped.


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