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Help with rudders please

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I've read a few threads where people have had trouble with their rudders and not being able to get them to work. Fortunately, mine worked right out of the box, but I didn't notice until much later when I was adjusting my seating position that I had a problem.


I hit my "toe brakes" and it actually operated my elevators. Has anyone experienced this problem before? (Using Saitek Pro Flight rudders). Can anyone help me out of this jam?


I also notice that I can apply more left rudder than right. I'm guessing there's something in the software to adjust that, but the elevator problem is a mystery to me.

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Hi Steve,


Al's on the money if I remember correctly scroll through your control commands as assigned in game until you find the elevator. I think you will find a primary key assignment and a secondary key assignment if you delete the second one I believe your problems will go away. I'll check this tonight for you and see how I got around it.


I too have CH products not seitek but I too could get the plane to alter its attitude with the toe brakes. and I'm pretty sure thats how I fixed it. although it was a long time ago :)




regards Rob.

Edited by Capt. Winters

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Capt. Winters,


You're right on the money. I should have posted it here as well, but I got the rudder problem solved last night. You were right. Pause > drop down menu > Controls > then select the drop down menu under Saitek x-52 FCS joystick. That gives you the Saitek rudder pedals control system.


Then, to make it easier, select the "control surfaces" drop down menu...that limits the number of choices available. You'll see there's a choice "x axis", a "y axis", and (I think) "rudder axis". You delete the x axis and the y axis and then save that profile as "Mine" and voila!

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