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Multiplayer British and European Pilots

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C'mon you euro's, sort it out and get into Multiplayer - its very easy to sort out and FREE.


Teamspeak is needed, which is a free download.


MadMatts installer program is up and ready to install.


Hardcore Damage is up and free too!


I've been having regular saturday evening (for us) flights with our USA buddies and it's GREAT! But we need more europeans up in the air.


I'll host some MP sessions for us all so time difference isn't a problem, but I'll need some help with IT stuff like port forwarding and how to open my PC up to clients without being open to massive internet virus attacks... but I'm prepared to host if someone would like to join.


Campaign is great, but flying for an hour or so with ppl you can talk to is better - we can practise aerobatics and formation flying, dogfighting and covering each others tailplanes..


so, come on FLY!

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I just came from the short Saturday online session and I'd have to say it was the most fun I've had since the first day I played OFF. Sittingduck was an invaluable asset in getting me sorted out. Madmatt's excellent autoinstaller for all the files you need to play is a snap to use. I'm hoping more of you will try this out soon. Everyone was so helpfull that I actually felt very little pain when I did get shot down. Or perhaps I'm getting used to that happening regularly in OFF anyway?


I thought the setup would be overwhelming, but it wasn't bad at all. I had a small problem with Teamspeak but I sorted that out and it was the only problem I encountered.


Plus I got a $15 Turtle Beach headset from NewEgg.com that actually has some decent bass. Important since I have to turn off my 5.1 speakers for online play (this is what caused my echo in Teamspeak).


If you feel the need for a different kind of OFF play, you've got to try this!

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bala, whenever you are ready, i can help you with portforwarding.


Keep in mind, you only have to do this when either one,,you have a wireless router that you are using for your internet connection, or, your hispeed modem has a built in firewall...other wise it is not a necessity......


Its pretty easy to find out,,,u put up a game, and if no one can join,,you probably need to forward ports..

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