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Hey MJ, any possibility of having you or one of your staff review this thing. It looks very interesting, and for me the jury is still out. I haven't been able to find very much in the way of feedback. Perhaps a tag-along for the weapons/load out manager that's out there as well. All assuming it works with the impending patch of course. Thanks in advance.

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Good suggestion, I'll see what we can whip up in the next few days now that the patch has been released.

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Thanx MJ, appreciate it. I had a problem with a lock up at the main menu. Found a thread on the Ubi forum, and had to allow access to the internet with my Zone Alarm. Did a complete uninstall/re-install then patch install. No noticable difference, although some of the sounds have been changed.

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Bumpity, bump, bump. Still have a fear of making my game FUBAR. Just checking in.

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