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MiG Master

Missing WOx/SF1 Cockpit Textures

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I've added some aircraft/cockpits originally intended for WOx/SF1 to my SF2 install like TMF's Mirage IIIC and Marcfighter's Su-27. They are missing textures. I know I need to get the missing textures from object.cat files from the earlier games, but I don't own any pre-SF2 TW games. Are the object.cat files available in the Downloads section? If they are, I can't seem to find them.


Apologies for the n00b question, but I can't find an answer via search.

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No, as they are copyrighted files, and as such, anyone offering them up (other than the copyright holder), would be guilty of piracy.

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Ok. I'll look no further then. Thank you for your reply.

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Depending on your financial situation, I think it'd be a worthwhile investment to spend the money and get WoE. At the very least, you'd gain access to the missing bmps/tgas you'd need, and at most, have another game to play. Or just used for 'spares' :wink: It IS the most flexible of the series, for various reasons too many to list.


Just my feelings, of course. Supporting TK is always a good thing.



kevin stein

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Depending on your financial situation, I think it'd be a worthwhile investment to spend the money and get WoE. At the very least, you'd gain access to the missing bmps/tgas you'd need, and at most, have another game to play. Or just used for 'spares' :wink: It IS the most flexible of the series, for various reasons too many to list.


Just my feelings, of course. Supporting TK is always a good thing.



kevin stein



Unfortunatly, my financial situation prevents me from spending any more on games for a while.


I may wait for NF4+. If the plane list is the same as in NF4, then they will probably have the missing textures updated.

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