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SF2V/E is there an easier/less complex way?

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I have purchased both SF2V and SF2E. I know the installation process is a little different from WO*. I have the CatPak extractor, and everything works. My question is, is there a way to set up these games like WO* without having to do the loooooooooooooooong extract, create folders, place files in correct folders process. Its just that I'm not sure exactly where everything goes, and using WOE as an example just takes way to long going back and forward as I install does cause me to make one or two misplaces/ mistakes. So anyone know?



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Short answer ... No.


What I did with Gerwins cat pak extractor, is make a new folder for at the root of my C drive, C:/CatPakExtractor. I COPY the various cats there, extract them (which creates a new folder for each extracted pak), toss the cat copies out, then copy/paste the various inis I need to the various aircraft folders.


That pretty much makes in NO different than the Classic Series ™, in the fact the the F-4E_67_data.ini will be going in the F-4E_67 aircraft folder.


The aircraft will always reside in the (in my case for an XP users)

C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin J. Stein\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Aircraft folder


The major difference is NOW the core game files are NOT together, but placed up there.


As to the compliant of " just takes way to long going back and forward as I install does cause me to make one or two misplaces/ mistakes. " You need to just watch what you're doing, pay a little closer attention, and unfortunatley, just simply get used to it.


this is how things are now going to be with these NextGen series.



kevin stein

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TK has also said that ThirdWire will be releasing their own .CAT Extractor. That will be of some help.

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'bout flipping time!!


maybe we'll get an updated Terrain Editor too....



kevin stein

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Well I finally finished setting up SF2, but I have a serious problem! I modeled it after WOE so I created an Aircraft folder, Weapons folder, Effects folder etc. But now the game wont even start. Is it okay to set up the game like WOE, or is this why the game is having this problem.



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TK has also said that ThirdWire will be releasing their own .CAT Extractor. That will be of some help.



Any word on when? :good:

Edited by warthog64

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No word yet, but weapon editor came out between SF2 and SF2V, and gun editor between SF2V and SF2E, so there's chance...

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