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Confused about fuel tanks in SF2

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Reading MigBuster post in SF2 Knowledge Base, I got a little confused about this:


NOTE: New in SF2 - Most of the in game Thirdwire aircraft models have inbuilt fuel tanks and so the fuel tanks and skins are part of the model.


What that mean? Where I'll have to install all fuel tanks that came with KillerBee's Ordnance Shop?

Edited by pablitoVPT

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For Drop Tanks to have Skins controlled by the Aircraft's Skin Folder, The Model must have a "Node" that is a Drop Tank assigned to it in 3dMax. All of ThirdsWires new Aircraft Models in the SF2 Series has this done to it. The Drop Tanks are controlled by the "Wet" Entry of the Aircraft's Data.ini. Once this is done, The DT in the Weapons Folder acts as Default as far as the Skin Goes. But Skin specific Tank Skins can be added to the Aircraft's Skin Folder. Also, Since the new Format has a "Node" for the Tank, Up to 4 Decals can be assigned to it too. In order to take Advantage of the New Features of SF2 as far as Models are concerned, 2 Types of "Nodes" would have to be created. One for the "Burner Can Effect", another for the "Drop Tanks" added to Model Meshes in 3dMax.



First Generation Models that haven't had a "Node" assigned, Still can use the First Generation Method of assigning Drop Tanks in the Weapons Folder with the Weapons Editor and Hex Editting. Please refer to the "Knowledge Base" for information on that Process.


First Generation DropTanks that go with First Generation Aircraft, Add as You've done before in the WOX Series.

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Watch out for the "Naming Conventions" of the Drop Tanks from the First Generation. Durning first conversion of SFP1 Weapons to SF2 Format, The SF2 Weapons Editor kicked alot of them out for Bad "Naming" Reasons. That's the Reason I created a "Tank Farm" Folder in the "Ordnance Shop", So Users can edit the DropTanks for the Aircraft they want to use.


What it would have required was to take each and every Loadout.INI and DTank_Data.ini and rename so much of them. If I were to have done that, I'd still be editting and You Guy's would still be waiting on a Weapons Pack for SF2. Besides, Even if I tried, Not everyone would be satisfied because it delt with editting the Loadout.ini's. To prevent Complaints, I let the Users do some of the Grunt Work.......After 1798 Weapons, I think that's fair enough......

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Also, If You don't know how to Hex Edit a Drop Tank Skin, Download a Pilot Skin Pack from Diego or from Wrench's Site. The Process is the same......

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KillerBee, thank you! Now I'm able to understand everything. I mean, almost.


What does Hex Editing means? :dntknw:





Edited by pablitoVPT

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A Hex Editor is a Hexadecimal Editor and reader. There are Free ones out on the Internet. HHD Hex is the one I use. You can Open a .LOD and Rename Texture Name located in the File. Once done, You hit "Save" and it saves it. (Warning: Only Rename the Texture's Name. Messing with anthing else will cause the .LOD not to work. The .LOD File being the Model.)

Once You've done that, Rename the Texture, it being a .Tga or .Bmp to reflect the Name change You made in the .LOD File.....


That's how the defferent Pilots.Lod with their custom Textures ar done.......Drop Tanks are handled the same way....



If anybody can help in explaining this......Please feel free to add...

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I download one and now I'm doing my own pilots! Thank you again KillerBee! :notworthy::good:

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