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Removing text from pilot name?

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Set up a test campaign pilot with Jasta 11 (as I am very familiar with this squadron - neat to see Kreft (sp) listed) while I get familiar with OFF and goof with graphic and realism settings to get things perfect.


Anyway - is there a .txt or .xml file in the OFF folder where I can remove the "historical" tag after a pilots name that appears when looking at your squadron personnel?


I looked in the directories and nothing jumped out at me.



I love the use of historical names - just want to remove the tag - it's an "immersion" thing.

Edited by DukeIronHand

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You can turn labels on and off - see key guide.


Unc how could you miss this one - its right up your street of "read FAQ" or "read key guide" :rofl:





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don't know whether he meant exactly that - you CAN certainly toggle the names of your and enemy pilots on and off, along with the aerodrome and city marks. But behind every pilot's name in the game (if dsiplayed) there is not only a name, but some more info (in brackets?)- maybe he meant that ?




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I'm pretty certain DukeIronHand meant the 'Historical' text that appears next to an aces name on the Duty Roster board etc.


I see wher he's coming from on the immersion thing, although it's no big deal at all for me.


Whilst it's great for OFF that someone playing it can see that these aces are there where and when they should be, if you're living your time with that squadron or Jasta then to you they're just Mick, or Manfred, or Georges, or Eddie... whatever.

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I'm pretty certain DukeIronHand meant the 'Historical' text that appears next to an aces name on the Duty Roster board etc.


I see wher he's coming from on the immersion thing, although it's no big deal at all for me.


Whilst it's great for OFF that someone playing it can see that these aces are there where and when they should be, if you're living your time with that squadron or Jasta then to you they're just Mick, or Manfred, or Georges, or Eddie... whatever.




Oh I see yeah that makes sense - sure I can fix that quite easily - will be in next update!.


Unc you are too good...




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Yes, I'd think, Dej got it understood. I'm always stunned about the quick exchange of ideas here,

and how immediate you guys care and answer, Winder.

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[quote name='Winder' date='Jul 5 2009, 05:58 AM' post='31097

Unc how could you miss this one - its right up your street of "read FAQ" or "read key guide" :rofl: HTH




Didn't miss it in the least, saw his date of erollment in Combat Ace, figured he knew which end was up, without me telling him . . :wink:



Yeah half asleep thats me...


I will fix this - it irks me too what was I thinking - in fact its fixed already



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Yes, DEJ is stating exactly what I mean...or meant!


And thank you Winder for the fix :yes:

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