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Strange shades on vampire

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Hi all,


I was wondering if anybody have the same problem or the same effect occurs

on the De Havilland Vampire by Pasko amd Gramps.


I'm using the original Vampire in a Wings over europe ,latest patch install

Trying to do a swedish skin of the J-28 vampire.

The skin works OK but when I looked close I can see a strange "shaddow" especially on the left wing

also a "darker line" on the left wing. See the included screens:

I've tried to install the vampire from scratch and also tried other skins but the effect is always the same

no matter which skin I use.

Suggestions ???






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Which method of the aircraft's shadow being cast are you using? I think the latest patched WOE doesn't requires the .shd file, but can cast the shadow off the main aircraft .lod itself.

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Ahh that could explain it ..


I'll remove the shadow file when I get home and try


Thanks for the info I'll let you know if it worked ..





Which method of the aircraft's shadow being cast are you using? I think the latest patched WOE doesn't requires the .shd file, but can cast the shadow off the main aircraft .lod itself.

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it seems to me like a defected lod.as like as the left wing is moved towards, or exists a second one!!!

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Works like a charm ...

Thanks very much for your support


I'll be posting the J-28 Skin soon just some more tweaks... ;-)






If you look at section 14 of MigBuster's post in this thread here, it shows you how to use the new shadow format...




It should work, I tried this out on Pasko's Vampire yesterday and it worked okay.

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