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FE Troop Columns?

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When I had Gepard's Afghanistan terrain for WOE I had moving columns of Taliban which would fire at my Mi-24. Unfortunately I accidentally deleted it...


Would like the same for FE, but modifying the wwi_verdun targets.ini and types.ini doesn't produce the same effect (for single mission, armed recon).


Am using Heck's WWI Bloody Infantry in the objects folder.


Any ideas?


Yours, Mike

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Any ideas?


Yours, Mike


If I remember correctly, somebody uploaded marching infantry, but can't say that they are real 'columns'. Have a look again in downloads...


EDIT: OK, marching infantry NOT in FE downloads, perhaps in Strike Fighters?


OK, here it is LINK HERE


This download should be migrated to FE downloads, or at least cross listed (it has a biplane in the download image...)

Edited by B Bandy RFC

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I seems to recall that the"columns" are made up of individual infantrymen that replace trucks in existing convoys. The column was then slowed down to simulate a column of troops but they are still pretty spaced out.



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I added Monty cz's individual troops and they showed up in game as a column of 18 or so troops. No weapons, so they didn't fire at me.


Will continue to work on the problem and post any developments.

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Am using Heck's WWI Bloody Infantry in the objects folder.


Yours, Mike


There's better infantry than anything I ever uploaded, Mike. They may not be in column like you want, but for infantry at the front they're the best.



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Where did you find this?!?! These are great! Just what I was lokking for :clapping:




How and where do you install these??????? :dntknw: . I dont really understand the instructions. What DATA and Config settings do I use. These are just .bmp images. Am I supposed to overwrite something??

Edited by quack74

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Where did you find this?!?! These are great! Just what I was lokking for :clapping:




How and where do you install these??????? :dntknw: . I dont really understand the instructions. What DATA and Config settings do I use. These are just .bmp images. Am I supposed to overwrite something??



Download the file http://www.geos-aircraft.com/WWI/WWI%20Ground%20Objects.zip


Unzip the file and drop the folders "SQUADALL" "SQUADCENT" "WAGEN" and "WAGON" to your Objects/GroundObject directory.


The supply wagon and wagen will show on recon missions.

The infantry will show on CAS missions.


You can edit the campaing data files too.


Yep. It's a great addition to the game.

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The supply wagon and wagen will show on recon missions.

The infantry will show on CAS missions.



One stupid question: :deadhorse:


What is a CAS mission? Is it a army co-operation?

(sorry, but english isn´t my mothertongue and so it is sometimes like a quiz for me to understand these shortcuts:oops:)

If my suggestion is right and this means army-co-operation, i have an other question:

Is it possible to see tanks and these troops together at the same time? Or only the tanks or the troops can be seen in a "CAS-Mission"?

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CAS mean Combat Air Support


In First Eagles the combat air support missions are called "army co-operation"


You can see both of them together but you need to make a single mission with them.

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Thanks a lot!! :notworthy: for your fast answer.

Another thing I´ve learned :blush:


I think that FE could be much better with more "life" (people, troops, trucks, trains, tanks.........) at the bottom.




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