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What its like,,,

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So, Id been workin out in the yard all day and soon enough, its around ten oclock at night and I head to the fridge for an ice cold glass of milk.

I open the fridge and lo and behold, no moo juice

ARG!,, grumble grumble

So i begrudgingly head to safeway for milk, and what the hell, a fosters ale, As Im heading out the door, I notice some old dude sitting by the door, and I think to myself, "just you watch, hes gonna ask for money."

Well, right about then, I figure KARMA wasnt doing anything, so she threw me a curveball for thinking so cynnically.

"excuse me, sir, would you have a blanket I could use for tonight?"


......Boy, did I feel lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut.

Sadly, I didnt have anything in the car, and as Im driving away, I start to thinking of that song by everlast,,


We've all seen the man at the liquor store beggin' for your change

The hair on his face is dirty, dreadlocked and full of mange

He ask the man for what he could spare with shame in his eyes

Get a job you f***in' slob's all he replied


God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in his shoes

'Cause then you really might know what it's like to sing the blues

Then you really might know what it's like,


When I got home I went and got a nice thick blanket and headed back to safeway,

but sadly, the old dude wasnt there.

I even drove around lookin for him,,


Just remember, folks, it could easily be you, and karma has a very good memory,,

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It does make one stop and think.


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we do have a bunch of folks outside of Bragg with the signs on the roadside. i've stopped by a few to ask if they want anything to eat from the near by gas station or fast food joint. in Fayetteville alot are "homeless vets" with dirty pants and brand new Nikes. they always say no they'd rather have the money. but i've had a couple take me up on the offer of a meal. they had a strange mix of shame, almost fear and thanks on their faces as they got a meal in them. makes you bit more thankful for the good things in yer life however bad you think you have it.

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