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My first attempt at a training video

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Edited by HomeBoy

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why??? it was very well made :clapping: . i would love to see more vids like this. where manouvers are explained and shown in BHAH.

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Homeboy, I hope you only deleted this to get it even better.

I had caught a brief glimpse this afternoon (but in a hurry), and found, you have a good instructor's voice -

relaxed and patiently. Only point - it was too low (loudness) against the engine noises.

So, I hope to see a redone version here soon. The newbies couldn't learn it any qicker.

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Sorry about this guys.


I just got a little too embarrassed about the video and deleted it. I didn't think it was ready for prime time. I'm going to redo it and see if I can't make it a little more professional.

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Sorry about this guys.


I just got a little too embarrassed about the video and deleted it. I didn't think it was ready for prime time. I'm going to redo it and see if I can't make it a little more professional.


Keep trying, we can wait. :wink:

Edited by Barkhorn1x

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Mark, all of your work that we have seen so far has been extraordinary. TrackIR guide, Command Key Card, OFF Aircraft Guide, your lefty HOTAS setups etc. I'm sure that it will be excellent as usual when you release it. I for one am really looking forward to it.

Edited by Check Six

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Mark, all of your work that we have seen so far has been extraordinary. TrackIR guide, Command Key Card, OFF Aircraft Guide, your lefty HOTAS setups etc. I'm sure that it will be excellent as usual when you release it. I for one am really looking forward to it.


:biggrin: The pressures of fame

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Homeboy, you made a HOTAS setup? Where is it?

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He converts CH Products HOTAS so they can be used by left handed people. It is quite ingenious actually. Click on the link under his sig.



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Take your time with it Homeboy, I'm back from vacation on Saturday, so maybe Sunday I'll start working on getting the forum cleaned up.


We could use those instructional videos as well as the series on flying the WWI planes I keep seeing popping up.


I'd like to put all these as many other things into the "Knowledge base" section.



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