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Recently, I switch over to single seaters and noticed my flight feeds off me. 5 albatross D-3s 5 nueiport 17s during the melee I scored 9 hits on a N17 he started to smoke. One of my sqn mates swings in and gives him a burst and down it goes. On the way back, ran into 3 fe2bs above us climbed when closer fired 3 bursts numerous hits circled for the kill and theres another sgn mate firing into my target. end of flight. Basicly, I do the work and the vultchers feed off me. They get the kills. :haha:

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carrick, what's the rating of your squadron

I find when I fly elite, the wingies act much as you describe, aggressive poachers


I'm flying Jasta 35 now, average, and they're usually fighting more defensively against their own opponents

Trouble is they get shot down more often and you end up alone

I was surrounded by 5 Se5's the other day and would love to have had a poacher then :biggrin:

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I prefer that kind of situation. Too often I find myself sweeping the skies of enemies while my wingmen pick their noses, which I dislike intensely.

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I prefer that kind of situation. Too often I find myself sweeping the skies of enemies while my wingmen pick their noses, which I dislike intensely.


From what I've seen, the success of your squaddies depends not only on the squadron quality but also relative plane performance compared to the enemy, and also on what orders you give.


In general, if you're in an elite squadron, your buddies are highly aggressive. Unless you can kill with your 1st burst, you're not likely to get many kills because your wingmen will kill them all with or without your help, and often collide with you trying to steal your kills. If you're in a poor squadron, OTOH, your squaddies are completely useless and you're forced to be the ubermensch. So to me, the best thing is being in a good squadron, and let nature take it's course.


This is where relative plane performance and your orders come in. If your planes are better, so that you usually have an E advantage, you can tell your troops to attack and just ride herd on them. You'll have to bail them out sometimes, and thus will get a fair number of kills, but you don't have to worry about them being massacred. If your planes are inferior and/or usually outnumbered, OTOH, your orders have to be issued carefully and you have to be more of the ubermensch. However, given your inferior plane, the enemy will be breathing down your neck the whole time, which limits what help you can give. I find this the most enjoyable.

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Carrick, it is useful to be the flight leader.

Then you can give them orders. One order, that keeps them from firing at your target, is "R" (return).

That should make them join up behind you.

Another possible way is to select a target (needs TAC on), and then command "A" (attack) - now they should

attack that target and leave yours alone.

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Carrick, it is useful to be the flight leader.

Then you can give them orders. One order, that keeps them from firing at your target, is "R" (return).

That should make them join up behind you.

Another possible way is to select a target (needs TAC on), and then command "A" (attack) - now they should

attack that target and leave yours alone.



Its an elite sqn jasta 1 in 1917. Guess thats why they are aggressive ( rotten, no good, get fat on what should be my kills). Will try, the tac so they ( fat eatin vultchers) will stay away from my targets. Tryed a more dismal sqn but they kept getting shot down or left me in a pickel as one of the forum members have already mentioned. :rofl:

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