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Problem with nation.ini map file

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Hi all

I have imported WOI map in SF2 europe and i would have like to prevent some nations from being present on this map, so i've modified the ISRAELME_NATIONS.INI like that



TheaterName=Middle East






Location006=Saudi Arabia



Location009=West Bank

Location010=Gaza Strip

Location011=Golan Heights














But i still have soviet or canadian aircraft for example cruising on this map. Could someone tell me what did i do wrong or what did i miss? I didn't find anything in KB

Thanks in advance


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Because the sim is using the nations aircraft its has. WOI map wasnt made for SF2:E, so its going to default to the aircraft the sim came with.

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Ok i understand so it's the same thing for the others maps except default ones? no way to change this point.

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  galoub said:
Ok i understand so it's the same thing for the others maps except default ones? no way to change this point.


Not unless you import those aircraft from WOI yourself.

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Damm i think i should have more listen my english teacher when i was a young french student instead of bugging her anytime with my stupid jokes, it would certainly help me now to understand exactly what you mean...lol

I don't see why importing woi aircraft into sf2E will prevent soviet mig23 from appearing on woi map.

anyway thanks a lot for your answer i think i 'm going to wait for SF2israel...

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  galoub said:
I don't see why importing woi aircraft into sf2E will prevent soviet mig23 from appearing on woi map.



Lets put it this way, do you have any Israeli aircraft that came with SF2:E? No you dont, you have Russian and NATO, so you import the map, but all you have is the above aircraft (Russian and NATO) what do you expect to see? Now you can delete the CF-104 for example and it wont show up. You can edit the MIG-23's data.ini and make it Syrian place for example. However, what you are trying to do is a long prcess. I recommend waiting for SF2: Israel to come out.

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Thanks for "explanation" (not sure about this word hmm)

I thought that the sf2 allowed you to select nation appearing on a map. The mig 21 is originally a russian aircraft but i got syrian camo in its folder as i merge sf2E with sf2, from what you said the game is unable to select between the different nation for a aircraft, you have to create a syrian mig 21 so as to the game use it. As you said i will wait for sf2 israel.

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