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Multiple Monitors support?

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All is in the title.


I use multiple monitors in FSX so that I can "undock" windows from the main monitor to a secondary monitor.


Is this also available in OFF?

Does OFF allows "windowing mode" ? Not Full screen mode?


Thanks in advance. :wink:

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All is in the title.


I use multiple monitors in FSX so that I can "undock" windows from the main monitor to a secondary monitor.


Is this also available in OFF?

Does OFF allows "windowing mode" ? Not Full screen mode?


Thanks in advance. :wink:

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Hi Emile


I have used Triple Head to Go successfully with FSX and OFF for over a year. If you haven't heard of it the THtoGo links three monitors using the 3840 setting and spreads the picture and action over three screens. It can also take advantage and stretch the range even further using Track IR4. Or are you talking about something else?

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I use my monitors in FSX to "undock" some windows like 2D cockpit, GPS, Radio , ... Maps to a 2nd or 3rd monitor . Main monitor is basically use for spot view.


Same posible in OFF?


Thanks for responding?

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I think that OFF will work in the way you want it to on multiple monitors. I know the way you are running your monitors for FSX. You can drag your dials and gauges and buttons etc onto a seperate monitor and use either one main window monitor, or stretch it out over two for your general forward views.


I believe OFF will work with two or three monitors using triple head to go. peterjh has apparently successfully used it for some time now. To drag certain gauges to a second or even third monitor will possibly work I think. If you're running TH2GO with three monitors, and have trackIR4 or 5, all you need to do is to look down for your instrument panel or toggle your heads up display.


I know you can easily do that in a Cessna, or even a 747, but you might find it difficult to look down during heated combat. You can call up a Heads Up Display (F5) or toggle other info (Z) to get time, coordinates, speed etc, and can also move your gauges around the monitor by clicking and dragging them, dropping gauges over the side that you don't use etc. You are able to drag the HUD display and Z toggle info around your screen if you are only running one monitor, so I'm guessing you will be able to drag them to a second or even third. You are able to adjust the size of your TAC (radar-like tactical display) and re-position it.


If you are able to drag your gauges around your PRIMARY screen, you MAY be able to drag them across to a secondary screen. I dont see why not. The TH2GO merely emulates a 3840 wide screen. All I can suggest is for you to try it.

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