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wont take campaign and terrains ih sfp2e

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Hi! I have sfp2 downloaded, and it takes aircraft and decals ok.

But when I go to add new terrain or campaign which was made for sfp2, it crashes to the desktop.


I go to add new skins to the aircraft, and it wont show up. Adding planes and decals and weapons are ok, its just terrains and campaigns and adding skins I can't get to work.


Any advise to get them to work?

I cant use desert plus it aborts (??) and so does desert targets it wont work either.


thanks for your time

Edited by Wrench
edited punctuation to increase clarity of quesitons

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More information is required....


fer instance, when it "aborts" (clarifcation needed here -- aka "CTD") do you get an error message? If so, what does it say? Meaning, the lttle M$ warning box that pops up and says something like "SF2 has experinced a something-or-another and needs to close" There is also, usually, a little hyperlink that states "click here to see what this error message contains" or words to that effect.


Also, are you following the proper procedures for adding new terrains and skin as outlined in either the readmes included, or in the SF2 Knowledge Base?? (REQUIRED reading!!! :wink: )


Are the campaigns FULLY edited for use with SF2 NextGens??? Are all necessary objects present (ground and aircraft)?


You're not giving us a lot to go on here ... give us the step by steps YOU used to install, you may have missed a step or another needed item



kevin stein

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