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Wanted: Met. Offizier

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25 Feb 1918

Dear Dairy-


Three sorties today. Each time, as we were leaving the mess (which we use as a briefing room), the meteorological officer rolled halfway out from the table under which he'd been passed out drunk until then, and told us, "Shi'y wea'er tuhday, guysh. Low cloush an' shish. Prolly nobody flyin' in thish shish."


As we all knew from having looked up on the way into the mess, he was full of "shish". It was scattered cumulus at 2500m. The weather was so nice, one of my wingmen snapped the photo of my flight that I've glued on the facing page during our 3rd hop.


Otherwise, it was a bad day. On the first 2 hops, 3 of my comrades bought it. So when the met. officer repeated his performance for the 3rd time, I shot him between the eyes with my Luger. Nobody complained. The skipper wrote it up as a suicide. Hopefully, our next met. officer will be more competent.




First time I've ever seen a met. officer be so badly wrong, so consistently. Most times they're spot on.

Edited by Bullethead

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Hey - what skin do you fly there, Oblt. Geschosskopf ?


78b ? We're in the same Squadron, Bull... arhm, Herr Geschosskopf!!

Edited by Olham

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Hey - what skin do you fly there, Oblt. Geschosskopf ?


The squadron's standard.


78b ? We're in the same Squadron, Bull... arhm, Herr Geschosskopf!!


You must be one of those brown-nosers in 1.Kette who get to fly black Albatri with white polkadots :biggrin:. My surviving subordinate Pfalz-drivers are named Zeuch, von Rolshoven, and Hilker. Of them, Zeuch is hospitalized from wounds at present. So things are a bit lonely already and my leadership is being questioned :not_i: .

Edited by Bullethead

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No Albatros this time, but the Pfalz DIIIa, that I showed in the other thread

about Pfalzes - the Bavarian design.

Your skin is also looking good - which one did you pick?


To lead in a Pfalz flight isn't grateful - often the best you can do is dive out and away.

But I'm working on a tactic of diving out fast, and then climbing back up to good altitude,

to attack again. (So far with little success - opponents could follow much better than I

expected - Lol!)

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Your skin is also looking good - which one did you pick?


Like I said, it's the standard skin for that squadron. I just flew what they gave me.

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