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Radio / Interaction With Ai

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What kind of communications can we expect?


I suppose there will be wingmen commands but how extensive?


What sort of formations and manouvers can we choose?

In what wys can we direct AI planes to a particular target?


Can we give commands to other flights than your own?

Can we talk to ATC?

How about GCI? (groundbased AEW&C)

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I suppose there will be wingmen commands but how extensive?

What sort of formations and manouvers can we choose?

In what wys can we direct AI planes to a particular target?

Can we give commands to other flights than your own?

Can we talk to ATC?

How about GCI? (groundbased AEW&C)


Yes, good questions for the FAQ, btw :) We're more worried at the moment in researching about GCI and its usage by the british side in directing the Sea Harrier CAP to their targets - the onboard radar of the Sea Harrier was not that great and so it depended heavily of warship based radar guidance, so we have to model correct specs and ranges of the radar system of various types of warships and realistically, I plan to make the player/pilot able to call a specified warship for vectoring/radar assistence by tunning in the warship's radio frequency - the same if you play for the argies and want to have GCI from a radar based at Stanley airfield, for example)

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