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Starting in the Air

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I've tried the new "Start in Air" feature of campaign missions a few times now and find it rather useful. Thanks :).


However, I've noticed that whenever I check that box, it changes my whole mission, just as if I'd hit the "Optional Flight" button. The target is always changed, as is my escort if I'm flying a bomber, and sometimes I think the number of guys in my flight (but I could be wrong on this one). As a result, I've taken to not writing down any of the briefing info until after I check the "Start in Air" button.


Is it supposed to do that? I don't mind this happening, but am just making sure this isn't a bug.

Edited by Bullethead

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Yes it has to generate a new mission for you new start position :)

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Yes it has to generate a new mission for you new start position :)


OK, thanks.


What about this, though? I'm consistently finding that when my squadron has both flights doing the same thing, the 1st flight goes off and does its own thing immediately after the mission starts in the air.


Here's what I'm seeing. Usually, I have some sort of patrol mission to go back and forth between 2 nearby waypoints for a while at high altitude. When the mission starts, both flights are right together at the proper altitude, heading the same direction, and directly on the 1st patrol point aimed at the 2nd (a much better situation than usually found when warping there from takeoff). But as soon as time starts, the 1st flight immediately peels off at an angle and dives to about 1/2 its starting altitude (say from 15k to 7k feet). Once there, it patrols back and forth apparently over 2 completely different waypoints than what I've got, often miles away. Why do that do this?

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My Flight 1 sometimes does ground attacks, although we where sent to a patrol.

I have decided for me, that I "fly it by ear" so to say. When they do that, I give them high cover.

When they fly a different path, I may follow them and forget about my TAC's line.

Your decision - stay with them, or do what your plan said.

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Probably because they are given the same START point as you but they do not necessarily have the exact same path or height as you always.

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Yes, sometimes they may just have a different task. That's how I regard it now,

and decide, if I stay with them, or follow my own path.

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Yes Mission is regenerated with air start waypoints - target may change but will be same type.


Ace Flight usually has waypoints that are above yours - they should always have the same objective though.


The AI in CFS3 also tries to think for itself - and if they spot ground targets on a sweep mission they may attack.


Finally remember OFF is not about following waypoints or completing a mission and being successful in fact the success of a mission has no bearing on your progress.


Its about survival - stick with the Aces for best protection and numbers - only attack if numbers or technology or tactical position is on your side - bug out if you feel threatend.


Pol and I were discussing RB recently - my longest living pilot was a Nieuport flyer and raked up 70 kills.

I flew defensive only attacking when odds were in my favour - avoiding large furballs at all costs - and picking off stragglers from these furballs and or 2 seaters.

Above all I feared for my pilots life and Flak was a constant threat in RB - we used to fly in fear of it.

In OFF Flak is easier IMO.


I never bothered to always carry out the mission - I did if I could often I could not.




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My Flight 1 sometimes does ground attacks, although we where sent to a patrol.


Yes, I've seen that happen, too. But mostly, they patrol like I do, except in a different place at about 1/2 the altitude.


Probably because they are given the same START point as you but they do not necessarily have the exact same path or height as you always.


I dunno, Pol. There are 3 situations here when you have a 2-flight mission, depending on how you deal with time. 1st Flight does fine with real time and warping, but goes nuts when you start in the air.


1. Fly Entire Mission in Real Time

Both flights follow the same path, do the same things, and you're at the correct altidude because you climb there yourself. Everything works as per the briefing.


2. Take off in Real Time then Warp at 1st Opportunity

1st Flight follows the real waypoints at the correct altitude and does the briefed mission. Your flight comes out of warp at a much lower altitude than the briefing or where 1st Flight is. It appears that 1st Flight is off course slightly, but that's an illusion. They're on the "official" path, but because you skipped all the circling waypoints, you left the vicinity of your airfield from a different place than they did, so are heading towards the next waypoint at a different angle. The blue line on tac is always drawn from your position, instead of being a fixed line on the map, so it LOOKS like you're the one on course and 1st Flight is off, but it's the other way around.


3. Start in the Air

Both flights spawn together, on course, at the correct altitude. Then 1st Flight goes off and does something completely different, at a much lower altitude than briefed.

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Yes, I've seen that happen, too. But mostly, they patrol like I do, except in a different place at about 1/2 the altitude.




I dunno, Pol. There are 3 situations here when you have a 2-flight mission, depending on how you deal with time. 1st Flight does fine with real time and warping, but goes nuts when you start in the air.


1. Fly Entire Mission in Real Time

Both flights follow the same path, do the same things, and you're at the correct altidude because you climb there yourself. Everything works as per the briefing.


2. Take off in Real Time then Warp at 1st Opportunity

1st Flight follows the real waypoints at the correct altitude and does the briefed mission. Your flight comes out of warp at a much lower altitude than the briefing or where 1st Flight is. It appears that 1st Flight is off course slightly, but that's an illusion. They're on the "official" path, but because you skipped all the circling waypoints, you left the vicinity of your airfield from a different place than they did, so are heading towards the next waypoint at a different angle. The blue line on tac is always drawn from your position, instead of being a fixed line on the map, so it LOOKS like you're the one on course and 1st Flight is off, but it's the other way around.


3. Start in the Air

Both flights spawn together, on course, at the correct altitude. Then 1st Flight goes off and does something completely different, at a much lower altitude than briefed.



3. I will have to look they should not be doing that but this is new code for airstart so a bug is possible - next time it happens send the mission to us on support.





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next time it happens send the mission to us on support.


Will do. What is the name of the file and where do I find it?

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Will do. What is the name of the file and where do I find it?







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cfsw1 over flanders fields\missions\historical\OFF_Camp**.xml


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Will do. What is the name of the file and where do I find it?


Don't worry I have found the problem - will be in 1.32c hotfix.





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Don't worry I have found the problem - will be in 1.32c hotfix.


Bravo :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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