carrick58 23 Posted August 15, 2009 I went balloon busting and hunting on or near argonne with jasta 37 in Albatross D-3s While alone I fired 100 rds in bursts at a british balloon a nice (improvement with the patch)( I liked it) experience they pop so nicely. spotted a flight of 3 sopwith 1 1/2 strutters 3000 ft above going to wards my side of the lines circled to the right and taged along gaining height normanly I fire multi bursts at long range and started to here fired off 100 rds in short bursts and the #3 a/c to the right began to smoke but that was all so went closer, at maybe 5 airplane lenghts fired 2 long burts wood splinters were flying off the wings walking to the cockpit . The second burst walking the fire along the aircraft caught the cockpit area an I heard a loud scream then fire from the engine and it fell smoking into the Argonne Forest . Thats when my computer crashed back to the desk top Never noticed those effects befor really nice and I was totally involved in the flight Bravo to the developers and the patchers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites