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Second Radar Screen in MF RF-4C

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Just a quick question,


I have the RF-4C from the MF, and there's a second radar screen in the cockpit, which I'm assuming is suppose to be part of the camera. However, it doesn't do anything (just stays black all the time). Am I missing something, or is that the way it's intended?



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No, it's sorta functional.


When you cycle through radar functions the screen comes on and you can actually see through it to some extent.


I know theres a through camera mod in the downloads section but i don't want to mess things up at the moment.

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OK, I got it now. But, I noticed the camera is fixed to be in line with the nose of the aircraft. How would I set it to be set down by 15 or 30 degrees? Here's the entry from the data.ini.












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You can't adjust it through the Data.INI. If You notice the Camera's Position is in X,Y,Z Cords.....It's fixed at that. You can Move it around those Cords. But Your FOV is set at that Cords. You can expand the FOV using the CameraFOV Entry. But Pitch, Yaw, and Roll doesn't work like that.


Besides, an RF-4C has 3 Camera Bays. A RF-4B has 2.


Give Me a Day and I'll work You up a True Recon Phantom and send it to You. I need to do it for My Install anyway. When You see it done, It'll all make sence to You.........




Edited by 331Killerbee

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Give Me a Day and I'll work You up a True Recon Phantom and send it to You. I need to do it for My Install anyway. When You see it done, It'll all make sence to You.........



:good: I'd be interested in seeing your camera work too KB.

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Malibu43 & Pureblue,

And anybody else that wants it. Here it is. In this Series of Sims, A User can only have One EOCamera. So, One Camera Bay is all We get. It's the Forward one like the Model came out with. But now the User can choose between two Cameras. The first is the KS-87. It's set up as Default. It's a 15 Degree IR Camera just like the real one. The second is the KS-72 High Speed Low Level 30 Degree Color Camera. Just like the real one. The user has to choose the Camera via the Loadout Screen. Don't Freak out if You are on the Runway and You chose the KS-72 and You get a White Screen. That Camera is activated by "Weight Off Wheels". When the Tires leave the Ground, The Camera turns on.




Place the respective Files in their proper Location. The Folders in the 7Zip tell where they go.


As a added Bonus, I added the Loading Screen That I use for the RF-4C.


Here it is: RECON_Phantom_Mod.7z


Have Fun! Good Luck!



331KillerBee :wink:



P.S.& BTW.......This is set up for SF2 Series.

Edited by 331Killerbee
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Thanks KB, this is a nice, elegant solution IMHO. :ok:

I tried it in RFC_Late (SF2 converted) but must have done something wrong.

Or I don't quite get the camera angles. In a quick test,

KS-87 looks downward but to the rear, perhaps 15 degrees;

KS-72, I cant determine, the camera shows the ground only when I bank more than 45 degrees.

So I'll be examining these more, but the technique to getting it working is good knowledge for us.

Missions where you have to come back with a photo (screenshot) of your target area pretty interesting I think.

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Missions where you have to come back with a photo (screenshot) of your target area pretty interesting I think.


I helped a Guy about 4-5 Years back. I can't recall His name right off. But We, At the time, Were Changing the Views and using a JAVA Script Program that worked in the Background called "GunCam". This little App captured GunSight Screen Shots in Black&White and could add other Effects too. If I recall, I think it's still in the Download Section somewhere.



BTW, The KS-87 showing 15 Degrees AFT is Odd. But it might be a result of Me setting this up with the RF-4C_early and not the late Version. Check the .INIs and compare Entries.

Edited by 331Killerbee

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