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It feels way faster, but I need help

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For a long time it has been a disapointment that SF series feels very very slow when you fly in the cockpit. Well, at least when you compare to LOMAC. It just looks like 60mph when you are actually zooming on the treetop at M1.2.


I have figured out a way to change the feel by adjusting the default FOV (field of view) in cockpit to 100 degree, and then closer the position of the "pilot's head" to the pit, moving the position of the pit forward a bit so that the wings and the missiles look right from the cockpit, like before. And it is nice and easy, all I did was changing 5 lines of code.


It turned out to be a great boost of "the feel of speed", much closer to the way that LOMAC ever shocked us. In fact, as the FOV increases it feels faster and faster. A FOV of 140 degree can somehow let you feel like riding a rocket. However 120 degree is the realistic max value, because at larger degree it is likely to give you some white terrain probably because of the clipping settings.


BUT THERE IS A PROBLEM. Because the larger default FOV makes the cockpit instruments look far, I have offset the "pilot's head" to get them closer. However the HUD remains at its original size and now it looks small. Gun Sight is no longer accurate as a result. CCIP on the other hand is accurate


Is there any way that I can move the HUD closer?

Edited by orsin

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Yes, but it will involve some work.


Go into the avionics.ini of the particular aircraft. Look for this entry:










Note the bolded text. This is the 'hole' that defines where everything visible in the HUD is seen...it's defined as 2 corners of a rectangle. The first number is left/right, the second is up/down. Increase the size of those numbers, that will increase how much of the screen the HUD takes up.


Now, look for this next section:







Note the bolded area...adjust this number to adjust the size of the text in the HUD.


Now, note the entries similiar to this










See the bolded areas. These numbers define where in the HUD space the TGA falls, and how big the TGA appears. You will have to play with each component to get the position and size right.


Good luck...you will need to do this with each model.


Of course, it could have been easier to simply fly around in 'zoomed out' mode, hitting the view key to be able to read the instruments...then zoom back out.



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