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Nick Tselepides

Viewing Ai Aircraft Tools

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:huh: There are two useful tools for viewing AI aircraft while you fly in FS2002, and you can view the AI planes either from the cockpit view or from your external view (spot view).

You can use either of these to chase and get close to the AI a/c.

The first one is just a gauge, and you add to to your panel trhough typing text entries in your panel.cfg , and it is the simpler, easier to use. (see my picture).

The name is:

"FS2002 AI Radar Window by Eric Marciano and Jorge Salas" and you can find it at the major sites.It comes as "rdrwdw.zip", and I think I found it at flightsim.com under FS2002 Utilities and Miscellaneous, if memory serves me right.

From its Readme, you get this:

"It is a radar gauge. It requires Pete Downson's FSUIPC version 2.83 or higher.

It works with the traffic information provided by FSUIPC. It shows all the surrounding aircraft

managed by FS2002 AI. You can select an aircraft (your target) by clicking it. The radar will

then show information about the target. Tutorial for adding to the default Baron 58 panel is

included, but the window can be added to any panel of your choosing.

A new XML icons gauge was also created for this package, for a custom toggle icon on the main panel.

The XML icons gauge also has a number of additional toggles (in addition to all the default

toggles) which are very useful for adding other custom windows with dedicated toggle buttons."


The second one,"AI View",is a plug-in screen, which you access from your menu bar at the top of your screen, under "Plug-Ins". This also shows a lot of information, but is not as easy to use, though it allows you to click and see a close-up view of the Ai plane ahead of you.


This comes from its "Readme":


[[ AIVIEW.DLL version (Freeware) - "AI Tactical Display" enabler for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 (version 8.00.010919.01).



With this module you can enable FS2002's hidden tool "AI Tactical Display",

a tool that displays a map with information about the AI Aircraft (ATC traffic).



Copy AIVIEW.DLL into your FS2002 modules folder.

Within FS2002 you can enable "AI Tactical Display" by selecting it from the Plug-ins menu.

Tip! Double-click on a unit name to change the view to the selected aircraft.


© 2002, ALTING Software

Latest version is available from: http://www.altingsoftware.com ]]


I found this second one by doing a google search and typing "AI View",but the Readme above gives a site.


Let me note here that there other such tools, and I have tested 3-4 more, but these two seem to to be the best. One of the others is "AI Map", but it made my game hang up/get stuck each time, so I discarded it--maybe one of you has had better luck with that. If so, let me know, as it looks okay if only it would work.


At the pic, I am flying an RAF 74 Tiger Squadron Beech Baron 58 (my own repaint of the default a/c) and nearing an AI a/c. The small screen is the first radar gauge I mentioned above, titled "radar"--and through the buttons at the bottom you can change the range--20,30,40 miles--it is set at 20 here. :)



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bummer problem these don't work in FS9.


Ctrl-W is the only thing and it kills frame rates.


there is also a control tower that works. You have 5 different levels. It has the radar to track the inbound traffic.

You can also listen both ground and the Tower.



Edited by Top_Gun

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