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Been playing Il-2 Sturmovik

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So far, I'm pretty impressed. I made it through the training and unlocked the features. I bought it along with a used set of flight stick/throttle (from Ace Combat 6). It works well together and I think it will take a few more flights to get the hang of it. It feels much different than on the comp.


Anyhow, just wanted to share and see if anyone else has been playing it.



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I Played the demo and found it completely unflyable using the ps3 controller with flight model on hard. May buy the game however as the flightstick I use for my PC is compatible with ps3 apparently. The graphics on it are truly amazing though.



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Unflyable. I can't believe a Mustang cannot climb.

No fun bringing it down to arcade difficulty though.

Edited by jomni

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