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    • Erik

      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.
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SWEET! dangerous....but SWEET!

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I think I heard one poster here "sorry I forgot whom" remarking on the new level of detail, in that he had his wing damaged and it was mirrored in his AC's shadow on the ground. I will also concurr that this is a very cool addition, not to mention the dynamics involved that more accurately interpret and create this damage. Before, in earlier versions if you simply touched another AC, you were usually dead with a disastrous crash. I'm pleased, (and a little concerned as well regarding the questionable quality of these Frenchie pilots!) to report that over the past few days I've had two, yes its phenomenal my pilot is still alive....but TWO of these, both involving French Nieuports, and it was so excellently represented that I cant say how remarkable it really was. On both occaisions we were dogfighting, turning, and falling out of stalls, and our wingtips flicked past each other at such a perfect distance on both occasions that I wasn't sure they were even really close enough to meet. But apparently both times they just "brushed lightly" and at slow speed, yet with such a resounding and realistic "POP", that instantly I knew they had touched. Both times I was able to nurse my damaged bird, with everything out beyond the interplane struts either mangled, or gone, back to earth safely. Any closer and both aircraft would have been likely destroyed, but its amazing to see the different degrees of damage modeled so accurately.clapping.gif



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