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Falcon Six Two

A Small Prayer Request......

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Guys, could you all do me a small favor?


My aunt passed away Friday morning, which is nighttime in the Philipines where she lived and died. I got the call as soon as I got home in the afternoon.


It was my godmother. This was her aunt.


This has come as an expected but sudden loss to our family and we've been hit real hard.


The worse thing is, shes in the Philipines, and all of us are here in the US.


We can't even go to the funeral.


My godmother called my aunt on the phone at the hospital one last time.


When they put the phone to her ear......she couldn't answer.


She died of liver cancer. It spread to her brain and she died.


My godmother has been unable to cope with this. She's been crying all day and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.


You know, life sucks at times, and I've learned this:


Life is impossible. Everyone that's tried it is dead.


So, what I'm asking of you is: Could you offer some small prayers for my family? Both here and in the Philipines?


To make matters worse, my aunt's family had their house foreclosed by the bank. They put it on auction. They couldn'y pay the mortgage anymore because they lost money from their business. When the house went on auction, they bought it back, for 3 million pesos, about $50,000 here. Cheap by our standards, but over there, it's very expensive. They won't give up their house, and all I can do is pray and hope for the best.


This is another tragedy in a series of tragedies that has befallen my family in the past few years. Before this, another one of my aunts and uncles were driving along w/ my two younger cousins. They were pulled over by strangers, and shot. They were both killed. This is part of my godmothers family and I consider them part of my family as well. My two younger cousins survived, but were scarred for life.


Please pray for us.


Thanks guys.


See you soon.

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Falcon,I can only offer a prayer for you and your family in this time of loss.my deepest most heart felt condolences.

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Your in my prayers Falcon, God Bless.

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