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OT Grave Humour

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Just got these in email...thought I would share

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Oh Lord, mankind was perhaps your funniest creation.

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Yes, this is a real gravestone:




If you're having trouble seeing it, put the first letter of each line into a sentence.



Edited by FastCargo

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I saw one in the UK somewhere for a baby who lived just long enough to be named. I forget his 1st name, but his surname was Longbottom. The funny thing about his epitaph (if anything about dead babies can be funny), was a pun mostly in Latin:

Arse longa, vita brevis. Get it? rofl.gif


My favorite epitaph, however, comes from a book of old epitaphs. I always wanted it for my own tombstone, but now that Ted Kennedy's FINALLY dead, I'll let him have it. He deserves it more than me (said with a mixture of scorn and grudging admiration). I think the original was from the early 1700s:


If Heaven be pleased when sinners cease to sin

If Hell be pleased when sinners enter in

If Earth be pleased at riddance of a knave

Then all are pleased, for (name) is in his grave

Edited by Bullethead

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As far as I know you by now, I always thought, an artillery crater would suit you (Lol!)

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I like Spike Milligan's epitaph.


"Told you I was ill".


In Irish (Erse). Some people did not like the sentiment in English, so it was sort-of disguised. Or maybe he wanted it that way.

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