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Winter Reading Material: A Few WWI Aviation Books Available To Download

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Greetings All,


With winter fast approaching I thought it might be nice to start a post where we can list any WWI aviation full-text books we might know of that are available online. Here is a list of a few that can be downloaded for free, just to get you all started:



"Flying For France", by James R. McConnell


"Fighting the Flying Circus", by Eddie Rickenbacker


"Winged Warfare", by William A. Bishop


"Above the Battle", by Vivian Drake


"En l'air!", by Bert Hall


"The Way of the Eagle", by Charles J. Biddle


"Night Bombing With the Bedouins", by Robert H. Reece


"Green Balls: The Adventures Of a Night-Bomber", by Paul Bewsher


"High Adventure", by James Norman Hall


"The Flying Poilu", by Marcel Nadaud


"Go Get 'Em!", by William Wellman


"A Flying Fighter", by E.M. Roberts


"A Happy Warrior", The Letters of William M. Russel


"Cavalry of the Clouds", by Alan Bott


"Air Men O'War", by Boyd Cable




"Heroes Of Aviation", by Laurence La Tourette Driggs


"How To Fly", by A. Frederick Collins


"The Romance Of Aircraft", by Laurence Yard Smith




I encourage any and all to share other such links that they may know of so that we can all have some good reading to look forward to. In particular I would really like to see some from the German perspective. I have only a few such books on my shelves here at home and can find about zero in full-text offerings on line.





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Thank you very much for this. I love to read and you gave me a whole lot of entertainment.

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I encourage any and all to share other such links that they may know of so that we can all have some good reading to look forward to.


Thanks muchos!


I've found some good stuff here. They have a pretty big selection so search around:



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Thanks again Lou, I hate reading online so I will be tempted to print some of these. That's a lot of paper and ink! :blink: I just Ordered the Jasta War Chronology by Franks and The Years of the Sky Kings by Whitehouse came today. Love them books. :read:

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Yuppers, I love the books too Rickitycrate, which is why the long wall in the dining room looks pretty much like this from floor to ceiling:










But I do read the online versions when I'm on the road via my laptop. smile.gif





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Greetings All,


With winter fast approaching I thought it might be nice to start a post where we can list any WWI aviation full-text books we might know of that are available online. Here is a list of a few that can be downloaded for free, just to get you all started:



"Flying For France", by James R. McConnell


"Fighting the Flying Circus", by Eddie Rickenbacker


"Winged Warfare", by William A. Bishop


"Above the Battle", by Vivian Drake


"En l'air!", by Bert Hall


"The Way of the Eagle", by Charles J. Biddle


"Night Bombing With the Bedouins", by Robert H. Reece


"Green Balls: The Adventures Of a Night-Bomber", by Paul Bewsher


"High Adventure", by James Norman Hall


"The Flying Poilu", by Marcel Nadaud


"Go Get 'Em!", by William Wellman


"A Flying Fighter", by E.M. Roberts


"A Happy Warrior", The Letters of William M. Russel


"Cavalry of the Clouds", by Alan Bott


"Air Men O'War", by Boyd Cable




"Heroes Of Aviation", by Laurence La Tourette Driggs


"How To Fly", by A. Frederick Collins


"The Romance Of Aircraft", by Laurence Yard Smith




I encourage any and all to share other such links that they may know of so that we can all have some good reading to look forward to. In particular I would really like to see some from the German perspective. I have only a few such books on my shelves here at home and can find about zero in full-text offerings on line.





Lou, nice books you have :yikes: Just wondering do you have the Bodenschatz, Jagd in Flanders Himmel or the translated version Hayzlett, Hunting with Richthofen?? Should I buy it!!!


BTW. But how to open the books in the link, I'm only getting a Google search page. I'm using Apple Safari for the WWW.

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Dutch, if you're having trouble with your browser pulling up the links, go to Google Book Search and type in the title of the book, go to advanced options and check "full text only" and hit search. You should be able to get to all of these that way. Thanks BTW, about my little library, and "no" I do not have the Bodenschatz Diaries...yet. But I will have very soon. :smile:


Bullethead, TKS for posting the link to the USAF Research Library. I have used that resource many times over the years.





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I don't know if it's a US/UK/Europe copyright thing but I've never been successful with the Google Books links you've posted. Constraining the Advanced Search to Full View only for a title and author generally brings back only a Library of Congress Copyright Catalogue link... which may be a clue. I can view other full text works in Google Books - so the functionality is there - just none of those you've posted.


Damn frustrating it is, anyone got any answers?

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Not to worry Dej. In about 10 minutes I will have a zip download for you and everyone else who would like these books, and a few others to boot. :smile:



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Here you go folks. Let me know if the download and zip file works for you all.



WWI Books Download



This download contains the following titles:



Biogrophies, Diaries, Personal Writings


“A Flying Fighter”, by E.M. Roberts, c.1918


”A Happy Warrior”, the letters of William M. Russel, c.1918


”Above the Battle”, by Vivian Drake, c.1918


“Air Men O'War”, by Boyd Cable, c.1918


”An Aviator’s Field Book”, the field notes of Oswald Bolcke, English Edition c.1917


”Cavalry of the Clouds”, by Alan Bott, c.1918


”En l'air!”, by Bert Hall, c.1918


”Fighting the Flying Circus”, by Eddie Rickenbacker, c.1919


”Flying For France”, by James R. McConnell, c.1917


”Go Get 'Em!”, by William Wellman, c.1918


”Green Balls: The Adventures Of a Night-Bomber”, by Paul Bewsher, c.1919


”High Adventure”, by James Norman Hall, c.1918


”Night Bombing With the Bedouins”, by Robert H. Reece, c.1919


”The Flying Poilu”, by Marcel Nadaud, c.1918


“The Red Battle Flyer”, by Manfred von Richthofen, English Edition c.1918


”The Way of the Eagle”, by Charles J. Biddle, c.1919


”Winged Warfare”, by William A. Bishop, c.1918





“Aircraft Mechanics Handbook”, c.1918


”Heroes Of Aviation”, by Laurence La Tourette Driggs, c.1918


”How To Fly”, by A. Frederick Collins, c.1918


“Learning To Fly in the U.S. Army”, by E.N. Fales, c.1917


“Practical Flying”, by W.G. McMinnies, c.1918


“The Aero Manual”, c.1909


“The German Air Force in the Great War”, by Georg Paul Neumann, c.1920


”The Romance Of Aircraft”, by Laurence Smith, c.1919






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BTW, I will also mention that these books are in the public domain, so they are free and legal to download and print out if you so wish. And, I just checked the download myself and it worked find.





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Check Six, if you are referring to the separate links for each Google page yes, Dej pointed out that those won't do it for you folks across the pond and/or round the world. That's why I put together this zip file download for you:


WWI Books Download


Let me know if this does the trick. Also, yes I do remember that thread, and I was very impressed with all the neat flying rooms and libraries so many have out there. It's great to see. :smile:





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Forgive the unfortunate juxtaposition of "the attachments don't work". I tried unsuccessfully to post pics of shredward's bookcases and mine but it didn't work.


I didn't try to download and/or unzip your link as I'm at work. I'll do that later when I'm at home.

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Ah yes, I've had problems with the juxtaposition myself. That one and the lotus position.







hee hee hee



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Yay! Thanks awfully for putting that ZIP together. Aviation literature Heaven is only 40 minutes away. :good:

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Thanks Louvert, althought I only shall be able to download your zip file later, I give you an honor french citizenship with a Légion d'Honneur.

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Merci pour le médaille. And a citizen of France to boot! I shall treasure both.



Vive la France! french-french-paris-france-smiley-emoticon-000584-medium.gif





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I think I shall have to read "Green Balls: The Adventures Of a Night-Bomber" first, simply for the title :grin: I know Rudyard Kipling invented Snow Golf by painting his balls red, didn't know there was a pioneer aerial bombing version :yikes::grin:

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Oh yes, "Green Balls". A classic. :smile:


Glad to see you got the download to work Dej. Enjoy!




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You're a star Lou...downloading now...I like Dej could not read a single one in Google Books!..thank you, thank you, Thank you!!!! :drinks:

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You are more than welcome Widowmaker. I hope you enjoy them all for years to come. I've read each of them and they are all good. The reference books are a bit dry, but very informative. Most of the narratives are outstanding and deserve to be read more than once, IMHO.





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Downloading right now, thanks a lot Lou!! I had problem with Google Books too, no link to read! I really thought I´m an old stupid man until I read that other got the same issue too.


22% and going, thanks, thank you so much!



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Downloading.... thanks Lou. Very nice start to an E library. Just the thing for my laptop. Oh and that snow can stay away. Imagine if it was cold enough to snow these last 2 days.

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I think I shall have to read "Green Balls: The Adventures Of a Night-Bomber" first, simply for the title grin.gif I know Rudyard Kipling invented Snow Golf by painting his balls red, didn't know there was a pioneer aerial bombing version yikes.gifgrin.gif



How would painting your balls red help you to play golf in the snow??


oh... wait... i get it!

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