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Need Help Separate Extrusions

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I'm unable to collapse or weld together vertices from 2 separate extrusions on my model and would like some help here..


I'm making the upper pyramid of struts over the cockpit of a Bristol M.1C. What I've done so far is to extrude the forward and rear struts separately from their lower ends where they join the fuselage (thus both struts are still part of the fuselage object). Then I moved their upper ends together where they meet near the centerline above the cockpit. This is shown in the attached pic from the perspective viewport, marked by the red arrow.


Specifically, what I want to do is shown in the wireframe pic. I want to combine vertex A with vertex B, and also combine vertex C with vertex D. However, neither weld nor collapse is working for me. When I try collapse, nothing happens at all. When I try weld, I get a message saying no weldable vertices are within the threshold, even though they're right on top of each other. I've even tried deleting 1 or both of edges A-C and B-D before trying this, but that didn't work, either.


So, how do I combine these vertices?


Thanks in advance.

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As long as both extrusions are part of the same fuselage object, all you need to do is delete the poly at the top end of each strut extrusion. The vertices will then weld as required.


I like the oil drum analogy for this problem:-


Butt two oil drums end to end and weld the rims together and you will still have two oil drums.

Cut an end out of each, butt them open end to open end and weld the rims together and you will have one oil drum, double sized.


gMax is like that, only open ends will weld together to form a single object.

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