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Major breakthrough in Thirdwire Multiplayer

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I hardly doubt that there's anywone more difficult to contempt than I, as far as Thirdwire MP games are concerned.


For one, I'm not a "network engineer" nor am I professionally related to the Internet (even if I worked as a websmaster years ago...).


For me, multiplayer has to be simple: you click on a button to join or host. That has to be it! I don't want or care about complex firewall/port settings to fine tune multiplayer for thirdiwre games.


Today, a Greek friend of mine - Alko Click - most unexpectedly gave me the solution for this problem. He told me about "open leaf" - a "connecting softawre" which allows all games to conenct, just as when every computer is on a LAN (every computer physically conencted to each other...) network.


I have tried this today using a combined WOV/WOE patched to the october 2008 "latest patch" and to my greatest satisfaction, it worked properly!


I will now host games using Openleaf. I sugegst that you download it here: http://www.leafnetworks.net/download.html


All you have to do is register and add me to your network (Diabolico_77th).


Then it works like this:


1) All players launch and log in to Openleaf.


2) Both players launch their game and click on the MP game. Wait and let it do its thing.


3) Once it stops looking for a network game, the person wishing to become the host clocks on the game's host tab.


4) The persons wishing to join just have to hit refresh until the host game appears on the list. Then all you have to do is to click join and you're done.


I personally found it a lot easier to use and configure than the latest versions of Hamachi.


I urge those of you wishing to play MP games on the list below:


- WOV/WOE mixed install;


- WOI;


- SFP1 Gold (or SFP1 as I will add the C-130...);


- A future mixed install of all the above mentioned games.


... to download and install openleaf.


I can be joined on MSN (misterm73 at hotmail dot com).


I'm mostly invisible but will most likely answer any sollicitations for Thirdwire games MP.


That is all.

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