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SF2V ShipSmoke too thick - ways to change

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In my SF2V I found the ship's exhaust smoke too dark/intense/thick. (It even shone through mist and clouds - especially visible when approaching the aircraft carrier in heavy weather, when the plume of smoke can be seen long before the carrier itself...)


I learnt that the detail for this is the line "ExhaustEmitterName=ShipSmoke" in the ships' "DATA.INI"

Deleting the "ShipSmoke" makes the smoke go away (meeting my personal preference a lot more).


Two questions about this:


1) the aircrafts' exhaust smoke is absolutely great (and far less thick) - if THAT could be "exported" to be used as the ships' smoke, too, it would look awesome, I guess.

But I think this is a totally different source of data (like flowing vertically and things like that). Any idea how to make use of that one, anyhow?


2) I already found several ships emitting that thick smoke in the Mods-folder, that I could change easily.

By means of an extraction tool I found some more in the CAT-files within the "basic" folder - and I just learnt, that applying a change on them needs the FULL folder (like "Tanker" or "CV-63") - including the changed DATA.INI! - to be put into the Mods-folder... (Will try that soon.)

But Eric (eburger68) told me of some TYPES.INI to change the "Russian Freighter" which should be somewhere in the terrains... Can somebody direct me to where I might find that one? Checked the ObjectsXXX.CAT-folders and the Terrains.CAT already without success.


Thanks for your ideas.



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Change the emmitter size ...


Every ship has a statement in their data ini:




MaxExtentPosition= 10.22,-11.37, 5.64




ExhaustEmitterSize=1.0 <---


like everything else, very adjustable. Smaller number, smaller smoke size



kevin stein

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Thanks for your hint - something new to learn...


But doesn't this only cut down the size of the plume? I would like to reduce its intensity - like "make it lighter"...


Any idea where to find that Russian freighter?

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If the "Russian Freighter" is the one I'm thinking of, from OTC, it's not usable as a GroundObject CargoSHip. It's designed as a static ship for being 'in port'. The reason: several years ago (2006), I converted it to a usable GroundObject, and found the lod is reversed to the world (meaning: it's front to back, and sails stern first!! the cowards!! or, maybe by sailing backwards, they're trying to convice folks they're leaving???? Sail casually???) Screenie below.


As to creating a 'lighter, less dense smoke', I haven't done a lot of work with effects, but I'd venture a guess you'd need to create a new one, call it 'ShipSmoke2', and and possibly import or edit an existing smoke tga, or create a new one, that suits the purpose



kevin stein

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Thanks for your info, Kevin.


Guess creating a new smoke would go (far) beyond my skills (at least for now)....


And having the Russian Freighter statically is fully okay for me. How/where (in what file/s) can I find it, then? I would just want to check, whether it emits smoke too, and try to "delete" it, then......drinks.gif


Funny screenie - the ship sails behind its wake; must be due to that incredible speed of 50 kts! bye.gif



Edited by stingray77

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In Your "Effects" Folder, You should have a File named "ShipSmokeEffect or ShipSmoke". Open it. In these Lines below, Make these Changes and see if You get a better Result.



Entry in existing Effect .Ini:




Change to this:





See how it changes from there and tweak it to Your likeing.




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Cool hint!good.gif


I'll try that... (And it sounds very reasonable......grin.gif )

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Hum, I have ShipSmoke and ShipSmokeEffect both under my Effects in the Mods-folder.

Changing the Volume-values down to .5 (or even .00005 for that matter) did not change anything - that's very strange, as I thought this sounded like a very sensible solution...

Why doesn't changing that have any effect???this.gifdntknw.gif

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Of course I meant: "changing the volume down to .2..." - not .5!


But I still have to try out changing the ExhausEmitterSize.....

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