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Nice attack

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bowdown2.gif Real nice attack, I was up with 2nd wing 3 Jasta on 18 may 1917. The flight of 4 Albatross D-3s spoted 5 Rnas Sopwith Pups 3000ft higher. I broke right. Looking back the 3 D-3s were climbing left in a corkscrew. 3 of the Pups came slanted down on the Albatri s six the other two stayed high circleing right but wide apart. I pulled tight right got off 2 bursts of 40 rds got 12 hits on one Pup then I spun out. Recovering low, I saw the pups and albatross s twisting and turning the lewis and spandua s barking. Noticed two of the pups go spinging to the dirt below one minus a top wing. Turning back to help ( they didnt need it) A 3rd Pup caught fire from a Abarti on its six and headed for the ground in a level dive albit slowly. The fight was over. My number 2 was wounded othwise no damage to the Flight. butcher.gif



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Wow, that was the proof, that the better pilots in good craft can even survive getting jumped at.

When you want them to follow you in your right turn, press the "rejoin" command, but they react

always a bit sluggish. Or, when you realise, the Pups will inevitably jump on you whatever you do,

you could press "Attack" - then they may be prepared a bit earlier. Great fighting, Carrick!

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Great fighting there, a good squadron is a must in this war, you can be proud of them indeed.

BTW, anybody knows how to order the wingies to a attack specific targets, assign one specific aircraftt o each wingie?


I love reading about such dogfights, it's so inspiring! Thanks carrick!



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that sounds like a great scrap you had there!!!.. be proud of your comrades


I think the squadrons that really work good together acheive the most in this game..


the ratings really are true i have noticed also.. when it says 'poor' the AI wingies are slow to react, or dont fly so good compared to say an 'elite' unit..


great Battle though!! ;)

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Iti, to make your wingmen attack a specific aircraft, you need TAC, set to "aircraft".

Then you click "next target", until the right craft is chosen; then press "A" attack.


I have tried to do this, plus changing the assignment and press "A" again, and repeat

that, so they might know I want them to attack three craft. It seems to work, but to be

honest, I'm not sure.


If you get into a furball, you can either

a) press "attack" without marking any craft. Then they will attack freely.


b) press "help" key - now they will problay attack the craft closest to you (but also the

one you are chasing).


For all these commands, press "escape", go to controls, and assign them, as you like them.

I have mine put on joystick buttons.

You must therefor leave one old assignment, and make a new one as a second one. Only

after that can you delet the old one.

Edited by Olham

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Thanks Olham, great info. I will do that right away, Sir.



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Salute.gif Thanks Olham, I have Been useing your advice about the tac. It does work. I Couldnt belive the game graphics when the pups came down on the D-3 s Tails. or the twisting and turning fights. Every where I looked something was going on. Awsome game.drinks.gif

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Blue 78 Yes thats true the poorly rated wingies will leave u in the lurch. I have been with a full sgn of 10 a/c got hit with a 3 a/c Jasta and found myself alone . What a bunch of %$#@. lol.gif

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