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A Pittance of Time

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This is a song written by a Canadian Singer/Songwriter, who was in a Store in Nova Scotia on 11th November 2006 and the store broadcast that at 11:00am they would wish that everyone observed a 2 minute Silence in memory of the Fallen.


He was impressed that the Store did this...but as you will hear in the Lyrics...he was NOT impressed by the Father of a small girl who ignored the request!!!


Hope you enjoy the song and video (if enjoy is the right word)


Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Nice little song an video

I'm often struck by how inept we are at honoring our veterans

There is no gift or conveyance of gratitude that can repay them for their suffering on our behalf

Yet veteran's hospitals are underfunded and the gov't denies their illnesses even exist

When will we learn?

2 minutes well spent I say!


Cheers Bullet, NS, and all the other vets

This one's on me drinks.gif


Thanks for sharing Wid!

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