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The difference between bravery and foolishness - about 10 feet

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So I'm flying along in my N17, surrounded by a horde of buzzing huns in their Alb DIIIs, every one of them angry as hornets who's nest I just stirred up. I'm flying defensively, taking shots of opportunity to damage as many different Albs as possible. It is so much easier to survive against 5 damaged DIIIs than it is 3 fully capable ones. As is often the case, the fight descends lower and lower until I am barely 500 feet off the deck. Three Albs are around my altitude and two more are still circling higher above. As I latch onto the tail of one the huns at my level, I spend just a little too long hammering home extra rounds of Allied anger into the fellow before me. Sure enough he begins to smoke and descend rapidly, minus a few extra parts of his plane. In my exhuberance, I lost sight of the two huns above me and one of them evidently noticed that I had stayed fixated on my target just a bit too long. The first I became aware of his diving attack on me was a long burst of tracer rounds ripping through my port side wings and just inches from my cockpit. He dove almost straight down past my damaged N17, missing colliding with me by scantly a yard. Tipping my craft to the left I peered over the side to see which direction my antagonist would pull out of his dive and saw him attempting to pull up hard as he neared the ground. With great skill and daring, he leveled his DIII off just a few feet from the ground, but it was not to be enough for right before him loomed a line of trees. His plane collided through the forest and shredded his wings, set his engine on fire and finally exploded in a tumbling mass of wreckage. Another 10 feet of altitude and would he cleared the trees and probably gone home to brag to his squadron mates about his daring diving attack on the fool in the N17. Man do I love this game. The intensity of it is unmatched by any other air to air sim I've experienced.



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With great skill and daring, he leveled his DIII off just a few feet from the ground, but it was not to be enough for right before him loomed a line of trees.


So did you get to claim him as a maneuver kill? cool.gif

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...and saw him attempting to pull up hard as he neared the ground. With great skill and daring, he leveled his DIII off just a few feet from the ground, but it was not to be enough for right before him loomed a line of trees. His plane collided through the forest and shredded his wings, set his engine on fire and finally exploded in a tumbling mass of wreckage.


Very eloquent. Now if you just add also impacting the ground with head buried between legs or at the last second, hitting a rise and overhearing a blood curdling scream, you've described how several of my pilots have ended their careers....lol.


plug_nickel (Al)

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Very eloquent. Now if you just add also impacting the ground with head buried between legs or at the last second, hitting a rise and overhearing a blood curdling scream, you've described how several of my pilots have ended their careers....lol.


plug_nickel (Al)



I think maybe there was a nickel painted on the side of the plane, come to think of it. :P



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I think maybe there was a nickel painted on the side of the plane, come to think of it. :P



Yup...that's why my avatar has a hole through it...lol


I think I'll skin a plane with an image of Swiss cheese on it.


I also fly with a pack of marsh mellows; I can toast them just in case I want a last meal.


plug_nickel (Al)

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