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Jasta 5 Albatros D.V 16 Pack

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Hello everyone! Sorry, I've been tied up with quite a few things for a while, but wanted to post a few skins I've had sitting around. Hopefully I'll get a few more up before too long!


Jasta 5 Albatros D.Vs




Alb. D.V of Vzfw.Richard Dilcher - 3 victories

Alb. D.V of Oblt.Richard Flashar - Flashar was CO of Jasta 5, claiming 2 victories, until taking command of JGr Nr.2 in March 1918

Alb. D.V of Ltn.Hans von Hippel - Probably 2068/17, this was flown by von Hippel during Dec. 1917 - Jan. 1918

Alb. D.V of Ltn.Hans von Hippel - This was probably his 3rd of his many famous Blitz machines, March 1918

Alb. D.V of Vzfw.Otto Könnecke July 1917 - a 35 victory ace, Könnecke received the Blue Max in July 1918

Alb. D.V of Ltn.Wilhelm Lehmann - 4 victories. Acted as CO in Flashar's absence. Used Edelweiss markings very similar to Vzfw. Bäumer's machine.

Alb. D.V of Offz-Stv.Hans Löwensen - Had a verz short stint with the unit, from March to May 1917, with one unconfirmed victory, but the aircraft bearing his marking remained longer.

Alb. D.V of Ltn.Josef Mai - April to May 1918, Mai had 30 victories at the end of the war, but failed to receive the Blue Max

Alb. D.V of Ltn.Rudolf Mattaei July 1917 - flew a green Alb. similar to Könnecke, Mattaei achieved 6 victories with Jastas 21 and 46

Alb. D.V of Ltn.Walter Neisen May 1917 - 2 victories. Served from March 1917 until transferring in Jan. 1918

Alb. D.V of Ltn.Fritz Oppenhorst - Assigned to Jasta 5 from Oct. 1917 to Sept. 1918. 2 victories.

Alb. D.V of Offz-Stv.Alfred Strum July 1917 - Strum used a 'rising phoenix' motif for identification

Alb. D.V White Horse July 1917 - unknown pilot, had a rearing horse similar to the Westphalian coat-of -arms.

Alb. D.V EK II May 1918 - Unknown pilot with an Iron Cross 2nd Class ribbon as personal marking.

Alb. D.V Red Band March 1918 - unknown pilot

Alb. D.V White Band March 1918 - unknown pilot


For more historical accuracy, these are skinned as Albatros D.V, rather than D.Va.


Hope you enjoy!





Edited by Saltfiskur

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If I was wearing a hat I would take it off to you a work of art thanks for sharing.

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