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Somethin I been wantin to do since I saw the screen of the Tirpitz.... who needs airpower in a flightsim, bring on the real guns.


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Marat firing her first broadside to counter Tirpitz... Marat seems a bit slower (notice the time differences in the bottom right corner", and only 3/4 turrets are working... can you say "Bug"


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The killer blow; looks like just below the water line on the bow.


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LOL, You know, those are some cool screens snapple. Is it just me or are the gun flashes getting better? It seemed like all they were before was just a puff of smoke. I always wanted to see a BIG ball of flame, kinda like a 30mm on an IL2... ;) .


You should post these on the IL2 forum at Ubi. Maybe even in Oleg's Ready Room to show him the bug. Now Im gonna hafta include the Tirpitz in my next campaign. Im also gonna have these two go at it in the editor. I wanna see this battle first hand... :D

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Beware the Tirpitz. I created a rather popular online map with the Tirpitz and the Niobi* AA Cruiser positioned at the mouth of the harbour firing against every available Soviet ship. It looks really cool when its dark, but as soon as the sun starts comin up the Tirpitz sinks every single Soviet ship. From what I've seen the only way to get the Tirpitz down is with lots and lots of torps and BIG bombs, from multiple aircraft. It is by far the toughest nut to crack in the game.


One more thing I noticed. King Tigers are virtually impossible to kill from the air. I dropped 1800 kg bombs all over a tank group and the Panthers and Tigers stood firm. Only when the sun comes up in the aforementioned mission, and the Kirov and Marat can bring accurate fire against the tigers seems to knock them out.


And oh yeah, the fire looks a whole lot better in AEP.


Sh*t I dont know how to post screens on the UBI boards, sorry all that UBB and HTML stuff really confuses me. Seems our system here is a much more simple B)


PC, maybe you could post it for me.

Edited by snapple2993

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Not sure if I can, like you, Im not to familiar with some boards' setups. But Ill give it a whirl and let you know. If not, then Ill post the link to this thread here I guess.

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