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Nick Tselepides

To Everyone Here At The Glorious Pub

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Take a look at this panel view, reached through the hatswitch on the stick-- many more reachable in all directions of the hatswitch.



Go to this forum, read a few things, visit Rick Piper's site and David Maltby's and get ALL their aircraft for k2 and k4 and their panels--some of the best there is to download and fly in k2 and k4. Also check out the great Seafire they are talking about from the "Aeroplane Heaven" site--register for free to download it and their other freeware stuff.

Send me your impressions at



:unsure: I promise you LOTS OF GREAT FUN, a great education for the younger ones, great flights, great schemes and panels and sounds, all in the above lot. Try flying the Anson in Egypt and landing by the Pyramids....Then take off and see the bedouins at dusk or at dawn milking their camels westwards towards Libya, having flown over Rommel country...Or just do your thing....



Nick Tselepides

Edited by Jinks

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