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Ground Fire in quick combat

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Is there any way to disable ground fore in quick combat?


it really gets in the way when it kills the enemy ac before i do whan i am trying to practise dogfighting

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As far as I know, you can switch it off in "Workshop".

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Which again begs the question'are you running XP or VISTA


With VISTA . . . CFS3 QC is a big time NO-NO, you won't turn into a pumpkin at midnight. But your install of Phase III will be totally ruined by unexplainable error messages, sometimes even a Fatal Message.


The only cure is uninstall - cleanse properly - and reinstall. A lot of work for one night out, but hey . . it's your's


The Developers knew this, so it was hidden away to avoid accidental exposure.


Phase III was promised to install on Vista, and for most, it did.


With XP . . Start OFF, go Directly to Workshop, there to find CFS3 QC along the bottom, clic on it. After some on-screen magic, the Quick Combat screen will appear, change nothing, clic on 'Go to Field'. Then put your hands in your pockets, more on-screen magic, and the Hanger Page, that looks just like Phase II. There's a Medal with a maroon ribbon on the left side of the screen.


Clic on the Medal, the Menu will slide out, you can customize your entire experience


HOWEVER: To Customize your flight to any option

Clic ON the term FLIGHT TYPE

You'll get your choice of: The Type of Action



You can choose the Aircraft you Fly

Also the Possible Loadout

All the German Aircraft ONLY have twin MGs, except the Fokker EIII with a single gun

British and French aircraft all have rockets or bombs, some you have a choice.

There's also a Model 'T' Ford and a Moped if you get bored


Clic ON . . . LOCATION you can then choose

country of flight

area of country

airfield in area

Time of Day

Where you start




Clic ON . . SKILL

skill of the enemy pilot

can the ground gunner hit an elefant or not

How will you initialy confront the enemy



You get to choose the type of aircraft that trys to Kill You


On the right side is HANGER . .a drop down menu, that speaks for itself


PS . . Those Rockets belong on a P47 both in accuracy and destuctive power, but they're alot of Fun jump.gifuser_online.gifreport.gif


Lots of this info is a Copy and Paste from Phase II, but most of it's correct





I am running Vista 64 so I better not try that..

Just use the standard one and the campaign


I have the feel of the kites with lawnmower engines again

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I think thats my problem in air combat I am too eager..


Most of my dog fights end up at tree top level weaving about trying to our turn and take potshots. and its who ever stalls first :P


Could learn a ton if I came and played online with some of you guys to train me in some decent air tactics

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