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I Need To Vent.

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OK so I work in a steakhouse, I don't know if anyone else here works or has ever worked in one but I got to tell, people need to how how to parents their kids these days. See, where I live is a very affluent suburb of KC so just about everybody has money and they treat other people like trash, especially when they have some power (read as..."I'll tip you crappy if you don't make me feel like a prince <_< ) But they also let their kids run their lives, so they don't parent them. Now the ice cream thing, with our kids menu we serve a free cup of ice cream to the kids and take them to a sunday bar, where thay put all manner of gummy bears and choclately treats to make them even more freaking off the wall than they already are (oh well they're about to leave) but when I go to bus my table what's always there? ICE CREAM ALL OVER THE DAMN TABLE! If I brought my kids here (or better yet if my parents brought me there) That would've never happened! All the people I work with agree that if we had acted like that, we would've gotten a stern talking too, not just a "Oh Johnnie, hehe, sit down, hehe, stop bothering that nice old lady and the kid who gets paid crappy to bring you food, hehehehheheheh...WHERE'S MY ATKINS MENU!" :ph34r:

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Yup. Gotta agree with you on that one. Brats. Have no use for 'em.


And rich, snobby types, either.


The main reason I was never good at public relations.


Navy Chief

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Dude, I'm right there with you. My other half and I always have the debate- "To spank or not to spank" She never got spanked IN HER LIFE! Me, my brothers and sisters all got our butts busted. She thinks it's child abuse; I think it's enforcing the rules when the kids don't listen. If any of us ever meet up together in real life and I have kids that are getting out of line, I Give FULL PERMISSION to bust ass. Teach those little buggers a lesson. The only kid in my family who never got spanked was my little sister Hope. She hardly ever did anything bad. Being the youngest of all of us, she saw what could happen!

Edited by zagnut

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Dude right on, I never liked getting a spanking (and it didn't happen often) but when it did I deserved it, and I realised that. But the country has changed a bit since 1989.

Edited by CowboyTodd41

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Ahh, spanking... I hardly ever got spanked. Not that my parents didn't do it, but I am the youngest, and you can learn a lot through your sibling's mistakes :D

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OH SDrickson! Maddox's page is so freaking great! I love the line "For every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat three."

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Cowboy I feel your pain. My first "real" job was at a local pizza parlor which wasn't bad to work at in the '70s as the kids still had the fear of dad in them. After I left active duty where did I go back to work? yep the same place, only now the families the ate there saw the staff as baby sitters. It has only gotten worse.

My wife and I made sure the kids were on their best behavior when we go out. She was a waitress so we are more sypathetic to the workers in a restruant. Sorry you have to put up with the crap the little darlings dish out, and there is not much I could suggest for revenge that didn't involve mayhem and pain.

Hang in there, at least you'll know how not to let your kids act in a nice place.


Why is it the more money a person has the bigger the pain in the a** they are?

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Ya and problem is, like I stated before, most everyone here has money, so the problem is multiplied exponitially evrey time someone with a new beemer breeds.

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I just had to bring this topic back up...


Yesterday at work (Pizza Hut) we had a new guy come in. He's worked at a Pizza Hut in a different city for 2 years. Anyways, this guy comes in, and HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO WASH DISHES. He said that he's always used dish washers. Dang, we have a dishwasher as long as I can remember, and my parents still made me do them by hand. Heck, they even made a family affair out of it.

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Speaking of Pizza Huts, IDK if any f you had heard about all of the arsons here in Olathe, but that guy worked at the Pizza Hut like two blocks away where I eat all the time and bunch of my friends worked with him :blink:

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Funny story.


Growing up, I had 2 half sisters, 1 half brother, 1 step of each. I lived w/ my dad and step mom, step bro n sis, and baby half sis. We each got 1 week of dish duty, and had no dishwasher. So, my step brother's week comes and goes up to Friday where he goes to a sleepover at a friends' house, but he couldn't go until he did the dishes. I get home and find a LOAD of dishes stashed in the our bedroom in a box behind some clothes in the closet. Being the assclown that I am, I told my dad. One phone call later and Jason is home getting his butt busted and also the assignment of dishes for a month! The reason I did it is because my week was next. Well, my schedule is clear!

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Growing as the oldest was not fun,but my sisters leared that it did not pay to be defiant. My parents didnt hit us much, but my Grandmother....

Does any one remember having to go out and get the switch that was going to be used on them? AND it couldn't be too small or you had to get another while grandma got more P/O'ed!

Looking back what I got I probably deserved and I know that my parents and grand parents loved me, but it's funny to know that my sisters would see what happened to me and really did toe the line.

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My dad was not one to 'spare the rod' on any child of his; blood or not. He used the switches untill we got a little older (12 or so, and I was the oldest). Then he went to WalMart and bought a rod the you stick in the ground that had a reflector on top. Removing the reflector transformed this rod into a tool of discipline. I still remember that thing slicing thu the air as it homed in on my butt.

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Ah children, I do hate them so, I really do, they are the current scurge of the planet (next to camel f*ckers).


I didnt always hate kids; then I took Child Care, in my senior year of HS. It was my first period class (started at like 7:15). Now imagine dragging your ass outa bed and having to deal with about 20 loud undisciplined (teachers kids) all running around screaming and throwing toys, and demanding to go outside; but you have to tell them, "you have to do a planned (that we had to make) activity before you go outside", and they always refused to do an activity. And you couldnt yell at the kids, or swear around them, let alone spank them. Otherwise there parent (a teacher at my HS) would probably file charges against you. There was only one kid worth a damn, a little Japanese/American kid named Vincent, who only wanted to listen to me read him stories. I loved being assigned reading corner, because I got to sit in a lazy boy while I read, most of the time I would fall asleep and be awaken by my evil teacher Ms Balsarak (or Balls Rake as I called her).


As for my childhood. My parents were divorced when I was 5. My mom was a real believer in total good christian moral control.... through yelling and spanking. My dad, an big drinker and former USN Chief loved to swear and use a backhand. So ya I turned out okay. My nephew is turning out as good as he possibly could in this day in age. He's five, and yes he still gets spanked, thankfully he just got himself a baby sister, and wont be a spoiled only child anymore.


But with the exceptions of Vincent, my nephew Blake, and my new neice Nadia, I HATE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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