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Bloody nora!

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I've been trying out the old bus at Orchy, the entire area is heavily forested. I'm running at 554455 and had Object Density on high in the WS settings. At 5000ft I was tootling along and then my FPS started dropping until I had a 5fps slideshow. Worse than that, entire sections of forest started turning black...then my pilot turned black...then some of the dials.


I removed 2gb of my 4gb of RAM, thinking maybe it was confusing my 32-bit OS. No joy. Tried moving the game from the D-drive to the C-drive, but W7 didn't like that so I put it back. Then I turned the Object Density down to Medium and bingo, looks like it's solved.


Even the mighty GTX285OCX can't handle everything this game is capable of throwing. Forest looks just as nice at medium though.

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Yes, it's a staggering difference.

I certainly find that having clouds set to 3 (or even 2)makes a substanstial difference in fps (GTX8800)..which you will already be aware of Siggi I'm sure.


Like you say, even on medium settings, it looks fantastic

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