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Install Instructions For Fleet Command

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NWP 17.0 goes a LONG ways making things a LOT simpler. You still should start with a fresh install of FC, then upgrade it to version 1.2 as per the install readme found in the files section of the Yahoo Groups forum. Do a test run of the game at this point. Start a scenario and once its run for a couple minutes, quit out of the game.


You then unzip the 1.34 patch into the FC folder allowing it to overwrite the original files.


You then still need to empty the Doctrines, Database, and Scenario folders.


You then apply the NWP 17.0. Then add the latest scenario packs found on the forum. You DONT need the the 16.8 graphics or the NWP Addon 7.0; they are going away. NWP17.0 has it all.


Lastly, as per the install readme, you'll need to follow its directions concerning the FleetCommand.ini file located in the FC folder. It took me two minutes to do this. Thats it pretty much!


There is also a WinXP patch available but I dont know anything about it yet. I still use WinME. Ill post a few screenies soon of some of the new warships.

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