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MiG-23BN skin Cuban AF

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MiG-23BN skin Cuban AF


MiG-23BN skin Cuban AF



Skin for wpnssgt and lindr2's excellent MiG-23BN(Soviet) model which was in his MiG-23BN Pack(part1) release.


Many thanks to lindr2 for making various MiG-23BN & MiG-27 variants





Just drop Cuba folder in MiG-23BN_ folder





To the original MiG-27 team - wpnssgt, gepard, usafmtl, bib and moonjumper

lindr2 - for making specific models for MiG-23 and MiG-27

soulfreak- for sharing his MiG-23 templates. Many thanks my friend.



Sandesh "ghostrider883" Kanchan

November 04,2009


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That is what happens when one has too many skins to upload and all of them reside in the same "upload" folder. One wrong click and a Cuban skin becomes an Indian skin :wacko:


Anyway I updatd the skin with the correct one. Should be ok now.

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Will eagerly wait for the new upload!


Once saw one in a Cuban Air Force museum. Nice!

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Yep it works! Thanks alot! I like your skins, damn you are good. Will you create more russian ones for lindr2?


Glad you like them :drinks: . All these skins for MiG-23BN and MiG-27 were done quite a while ago when lindr was in the process of developing these models.


I need to finish uploading the skins that I had already finished(there are quite a few of them). New Russian skins would be difficult at this time.......may be later.

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