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Spitfire Mk.VB (Trop), 31st FG, USAAF, MTO

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File Name: Spitfire Mk.VB (Trop), 31st FG, USAAF, MTO

File Submitter: Wrench

File Submitted: 04 Nov 2009

File Category: Allied Fighters


Spitfire VB (Trop), USAAF, 31st FG, MTO


For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, WW2 MTO Installs, Patched to 06 Levels =ONLY=


This is a semi-complete mod that will create a 'nationalized' verison of the Spit V Trop as used by the US Army Air Force in North Africa/MTO during 1942-44 timeframe (including the Invasion of Sicily). I say 'semi-complete', because as per DAT rules, the aircraft LODs are NOT included.


The package contains skins and decals for pretty much the entire 31st FG, and it's 3 squadrons:


307th FS

308th FS

309th FS


All new squadron ID letters, individual aircraft letters and serial number decals are also included. A quick note about the serial numbers; even my main source book didn't hardly show enough, so I used the generic production numbers. However, 3 or 4 aircraft DO have their historical serials. But rest assured, the serials depicted ARE for Mk.5 Spitfires.

Each skin set has the squadron patch as it's 'paint chip', to make selection a tad easier.


A new WoE-style hangar screen is included.


= IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, at the 06 patch level -ONLY-. It has =NOT= been tested in post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI. It has also NOT been tested in the NextGen, SF2 series. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. =


=This mod is designed for use with the WW2 Weapons Pak by me, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.=


As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings...


Good Hunting!


Kevin Stein



note: this mod will also be available at my site, exactly as is, as soon as I remember to upload it!


Click here to download this file

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