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TrackIR question

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I have recently started using TrackIR 5, which I think is great. There's one niggling thing though; there seems to be a spot in the center of my display where the panning sort of catches for an instant. It's not bad, but it's also not smooth motion side to side or top-bottom. I'm thinking there must be an adjustment for it somewhere, but so far I'm not finding it. Anyone else had this experience, and if so what's the fix.



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I have recently started using TrackIR 5, which I think is great. There's one niggling thing though; there seems to be a spot in the center of my display where the panning sort of catches for an instant.



I use TIR4 with the 5 software.


Go to Titles and highlight CFS3 and leave it at default.


Then go to Profiles and that will open up a screen to make adjustments. From there you can tile down the different stock templates. You'll seen the points in the center and also well as those adjacent to them. These points can be modified. I've "opened up" the center points a bit and have also raised them for a more precise deadzone, among other things. The 5 software is much better than the 4.


The resolution and responses between the 2 are different. The TIR5 is more precise and immediate. That's why I'm more aggressive in my settings. I've also "modded" my hat clips with different reflective tape and larger, curved area for the transmitter to "see" better. Maybe Homboy can chime in on the differences.


You'll need to "play" with them a bit to get the right feel and look. Save the mod as BHaH, OFF or? in order to use them again in the sim.


plug_nickel (Al)

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Thanks Al, that's just what I need to hear.

I'm still feeling around the software, so you've given me a better starting place.




Thanks Al, that's just what I need to hear.

I'm still feeling around the software, so you've given me a better starting place.



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One other thing I've done is to put a lamp using a 60watt bulb on the top ledge of my computer desk. It sits above and behind my monitor with the TIR. The lamp shade is long enough so that the bulb is not seen when I'm sitting at the desk. I've noticed a definite difference in response when the light is off or on. The "glow" helps to make the reflectors a better target for the transmitter to pickup. At least it works for me.


Mileage may very though.


plug_nickel (Al)

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Good to know. I'm getting good response, just this annoying "stiff spot" in the middle of my display. It seems to be at the 0,0 coordinates, and just sort of clicks (not audibly, just sort of pauses when I pass through.). It doesn't do it in the control panel test mode, so not sure what's up.


Otherwise, I'm lovin' this thing. It has completely changed the OFF experience.

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Did you read Homeboy's guide to setting up TrackIR in the stickies at the top of the "General Help" page?


Invaluable information.



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Yes, thanks. I did find Homeboy's guide, but I didn't find my particular issue. I'll go through it again though.

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