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Guest Tazkiller

Re-Working Korean Terrains

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at Kimpo, picture 5, that Q-Hut's mis/displaced. Have the boys drag it out of my parking slot!!! Please! :grin:


Of course it works for any variant ... you're only changing the terrain tiles, NOT the target positioning.


Taz, expect a link to a rather LARGE package over the weekend. I've been making a few additions/adjustments (which of course you're welcome to use/change/readjust or whathaveyou) to fit the historical thingys of the era.


This version is very expanded from the original release (don't have the payware, so can't comment on it.) The cities have NOT had their internal bildings and such moved around (ie: customized to the tiles as per my WW2 mods), nor have the rail yards been flattened (only can be done in the TE, and I'm too lazy)


So, be ready! :good:



kevin stein


note to self: someday, get back to the 100% sized rebuild,that has Stary/Brain32 beyond superb tiles. and 98.6% ™ accurate target areas

Edited by Wrench

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Taz, did you get the file? Let me know so I can pull it off my site, and reopen some space.



I am like this --><-- close to patching my damn 06 Korea install up to 08 levels ... just some of the damn prop jobs will be "just a little bit off" (corsairs/mustangs, B-26, B-29 and a few others...)


but man, that winter tileset is seriously fouled up!!! (mind you, this is the tileset from 2003, but it's missing the winter river tiles!!)


Hows' this for a new mainscreen??




kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Guest Tazkiller




I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Yes I got the package!!!!!! Sorry I haven't answered back before now, down with the Flu!!!!

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If you look in the background of the terrain, you can see the "square" green river tiles surrounded by snow. YECH!!!


I'll probably remove that background pic, and just use the 'stockish' blue/gray background, and add some light drop shadows to the aircraft


I DO have the BN series tiles texture list, so it IS possible to rerun this through the SF TE (and NOT the WOV/E/I, as this was built with the SF version) and straighten out the obivous glitches, and converting the river tga to snow isn't thathard; it just finding the time. Adding the lines for 08/SF2 level 4 seasons might not be that difficult either (see ANW terrain)


I did take the plunge, and updated the install to 08 ... watch out on the Pit1 lods; they've got an odd stretched shadow. You might need to extract the Pit1.ini from the terrain cat, put it the Korea terrain folder, and REMOVE the callout for the shadow. Strangly, the Pit*.lods don't have this problem.


hope you feel better!



kevin stein

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Guest Tazkiller

Wonder if T.K. is paying any attention to this.


If he doesn't build it ; the public will!!!!

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Damn straight, bubba!!


btw, there's a screwup in the targets. ini I sent you ...the airfield data ini callout don't match the runway lods. Meaning: for Runway6, it's calling for the airfield1_data.ini. A simple text edit to make sure the dataini matchs the runway name (change 1 to 6)


I've reworked the sea/land/river tiles for the Winter terrain, but the water (ie: BNwater.tga) color dont match the sea/land transitons, so they'll all need new "ocean" sections. I also got the "4 Seasons" to work (weeelll, 3 seasons using the spring/summmer tiles as spring, summer and fall, and the winter as the 4th season. So, the terrain can use both sets in one terrain folder.



kevin stein

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