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13th mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 13.51 – Landing : 14.53


Target : Osnabrück, CAP


1 MiG-19, 1 IL-28


Ford 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Ford 12 : 2Lt Kelly Wells


Ford 13 : Capt Rolland Kullman


Ford 14 : 1Lt Gordon Smallwood


Report :


Back to Osnabrück, for a patrol.


We were asked to fly without the droptanks. I thought it was a bad idea.


The fact is the “Six” was more agile and we climbed fast at level 15.


Passing the IP, I saw two spots on my scope which seemed to be the target we needed.


We went down and closed to the Bogeys. They were Il-28s and I fired my SuperFalcon as soon as I was in range. The AIM-26B went right to the target and the Beagle blown out.


I launched my AIM-4Fs but didn’t managed to get a correct lock. Both went to the ground. Then it was harder to get the bomber 6, to lock-on it and to avoid to fire at my wingman who was chasing too. Both my AIM-4Gs went wide.


The Il-28 was flying steady, my number 2 in its 6 and number 3 and 4 following. We went till Hannover like that, without a single launch!


To prevent fuel issue, I decided that was enough and called the others to form up, RTB.


As usual, the landing pattern was awful and my number 2 had to do his approach several times. I was mad! The debriefing revealed that we followed two Il-28s for at least five minutes and neither number 2 and 4 launched a single missile… I don’t think these two guys will appear on the mission roster very often…


In fact, Billy Pickett is back amongst us and in a pretty good shape.


Capt Kullman downed a MiG-19.

Edited by Cliff11

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Hey Cliff,


glad to see you're still at it!


Was just about to post that i will be back flying soon. Having some difficulties in the real world but it should be resolved in a few days.

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I admit that I did not read every post on this thread (c'mon, there's 24 pages lol) but I like what I have seen. I think it is a cool idea, and have thought about it a few times but never tried it out. I am going to start two new ones for myself and jump on the wagon with y'all. I need to figure out where screenies are kept though.....(help!!)


Ok, first up, 2nd LT Cory Wadley, flying A-7D's in the 74th TFS "Flying Tigers". I'll post more when I get started!! Haven't decided on a name yet for the second one, but he will be an Isreali F-4 pilot flying with the Hammers. I have a custom skin for that squadron form my good buddy Cliff. thanks Pal!!



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Well, that didn't take long at all lol.


Take off was normal. I reached cruising altitude and headed towards the target, a fuel tank. When I got within 7 miles I launched a Shrike to take out the radar at the base. My missile performed as advertised and I was able to make a smooth pass at the tank farm, destroying it with two of my 12 MK-82's. My squadron egressed along the track line provided. Along the way we passed a SAM site and decided (I decided) that we would take it out. I made three successful passes on the radar and missile launcher sites, but had my engine shot out when I made a gun run at some AAA. I flew dead stick for a few miles hoping to get clear of enemy forces and evade capture, but was spotted on bail out, my chute giving away my position. I was immediately captured and am now sitting in my cell. See you next war :(




I will set up another one lol.I do have questions though. How do I load up a screenshot? It says that I can't. also, how do I take a screenie of the debrief screen? I tried to do so with the print screen button but had no joy.


I have since started a new one. 2nd LT. Robert Mantell (my real name), call sign Taxman, is flying F-16's with 313th. My first mission went well, 2 enemy planes down on a fighter sweep mission, both with aim-9's. I think I will start a few more.......most fun!!! Currently "Taxman" has two missions underneath him, with 2 A/A kills and 3 A/G kills not too shabby lol....

Edited by Stingray72

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Welcome Stingray72,


Glad to see someone new going fo the DiD challenge.


The screen shots can be taken with IRfan or XNview, which is what i use. You can both easily online.


If you ever decide to fly the WOV Gold mod, it would help to read the past AARs since a lot of info is there that would help you a whole lot.


Oh yeah, i flew a 74th TFS A-7 in WOE some time ago. Finished it with 13 A2A kills as well. 9Ls FTW! :grin:

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Thank you sir!!! yes, the A-7 is a blast! I did, as you saw, get shot down, so my piot there is a POW until further wars. I have started another pilot, other than myself. I used my best friend's name, Seth Campbell, to fly the CF-18 in a campaign. So far he is doing better than I am!!!!


There is another I am going to start, the A-10 campaign with the MD ANG. I am from MD and used to run in my yard following the A-10's; their landing approach was right over my house! MiG and Cliff helped me with some great skins for this plane so I figure to make a good run at it!



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Hey welcome here Rob! :D


I guess that the first DID campaign is often a short one...


You have the choice : an "easy" campaign to push real hard or a difficult one to try to survive.

My current pilot is my best so far and I'm waiting for spare time to continue the missions.

I don't want to fail with this one.


Good luck!

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Welcome Stingray... and as Cliff advises the first campaign is usually the toughest... I am just waiting to get back home to start a new campaign with the new addon for SF2I... to fly a Mustang...


Good luck on your campaign...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Yes, so 2nd LT Robert Mantell requested and was granted a transfer to the Maryland ANG, the A-10 squadron from his home state.....


Mr. Mantell flew his first mission in the A-10 and performed well!! The mission was to take off in the early morning and head to the target area to repel a tank attack. This was successful, but some MiG's came down and spoiled the celebration. We encountered 6 total, one flew into the ground, I shot two of them down, and the rest buggered off. We did lose two of our Hogs though, a sad day, even though the mission was deemed a success by HQ.


I will work on my format here for the next post and also try to get some sort of photo thing going too. I took a nice still of my A-10 on final wearing my Maryland ANG colors!



Edited by Stingray72

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Right, so I think I am getting better at the format, although I am missing some info, sorry guys, still trying to get the hang of it. On a sadder note, 2nd LT Seth Campbell was shot down and killed last night by a SAM site. I have a question concerning manual flight. Are we allowed to use auto pilot during our transits? I used it today while I got some coffee mid flight and wondered out loud if I was breaking a rule, so I though I would ask. The rest of the flight was completed with me guiding the a/c, but after I thought about it wondered again why we wouldn't be able to since it is a real function of the a/c. Need a ruling on this please.....


So, new pilot, 2nd LT Zach Sanders, callsign "Tex" (he's from Texas, another friend from work), flying with the 16 TFS "Tomahawks"


Sept 1979:


Mission: Chevy flight of four to patrol around Hamburg, attack any planes encountered.


Armament: Cannons and Aim-9 missiles


Take Off: I forgot to get the a/f and time I left from.....


Landing: Same as above, but it was the same a/f.


AAR: Enroute target area 02 MiG-23's were spotted on radar flying to the SE approximately 130T. It was along our flight path more or less, so we broke from our intended track to engage. I shot down one, my wingman, Lt Dan White, shot down the other, both with missiles.


When we neared the target area there were lots of contacts on the radar. Red Crown was indicating heavy enemy air traffic as well as a flight of A-10's, Austin flight, who reported they needed assistance. We again left our intended track to head north to assist. Two MiG-21's were encountered. My wingman shot down one with a missile. I hit the other with a missile and my wingman finished him off with guns. We succeeded in breaking up the attack and noted Austin flight heading out of the target area to the SW towards friendly lines. I spotted a radar contact flying E along a river and decided to leave the target area towards home and pick up our WP, roughly a 160T.


After around 05 mins I heard that familiar tone "beep beep beep". The was nothing on the map and nothing on the scope so I assumed maybe it was a gun from the target area and paid no mind to it, turning on my ECM. Red Crown also advised that there was no activity in the area. When the tone became the rapid "d d d d d d d " I deployed flares and chaff, broke low and right, picked up an SU-15 visually, and ordered my flight to attack. I picked up the missile he had fired and headed at a right angle to it, then broke into it and up, breaking it's lock (not sure whether it was heat seeking or radar guided). This plane was going over 700 mph when it flew over me!! I pulled into a tight turn and got a lock with my Aim-9's, firing one and scoring a hit from a little over a mile out. I visually targeted a second one just as Chevy 3, Capt. Doug Wilkinson destroyed it with a missile. I believe now that the blip flying E along the river was actually these two a/c, they must have spotted my ECM and gave chase.


All planes landed safely back at home base. Lt. Dan White is the squadron's highest scoring MiG killer, with 4 to his name now after this mission!! I will use him sparingly because I don't want to lose him lol.


Chevy 01: 1 a/a with Aim-9

Chevy 02: 2 a/a with Aim-9

1 a/a with guns

Chevy 03: 1 a/a with Aim-9

Chevy 04: 0 a/a


Total of 04 bandits down with no losses.


Signed: 2nd LT Zach Sanders



I'll get times and such for the next one!! I was very lucky with the two SU's, it could have gone the other way just as easily as it went the way it did. I need to be more careful in the future and follow up on radar contacts, as well as learn to trust my threat warning receivers.



Edited by Stingray72

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Here's some screenshots from the last two missions. I don't want everyone to think I am a loser, but I have 10 vacation days, and some of them inevitably are going to be spent right here....


Also, 2nd LT Zach Sanders was killed on his second mission by a MiG. MUY FRUSTRADO!!!!



Edited by Stingray72

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5 missions into the Rolling Thunder Campaign...

(SF2:V Expansion Pack)


VF-24 in F-8C's


September 6, 1965


We were tasked with a MiGCAP/TARCAP over Noi Bai

Number 1 (me) was damaged by ground fire and shot down one MiG-17

Number 3 shot down one MiG-17

Number 4 was shot down by ground fire


It was the longest sortie yet, (seemed like hours weaving through almost endless flak)

started off easy enough, number 3 bagging his MiG about seven minutes after dry feet.

The second MiG was the trouble some type almost a five minute fight with this guy.

I called for the flight to RTB (while fighting the MiG) after I had noticed that I was 1/4 through my main tank.

After the MiG kill, I egressed to the East to at least get over water in case I needed to eject.

Took heavy ground fire and took damage to the rear of aircraft. I successfully landed with a little more

than 500 lbs. of fuel!



Edited by Nightshift82

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Nice work Nightshift!!!! Those 'Saders sure are thirsty!


2nd LT Mantell flew another mission with the Md ANG last night. We took out some air defenses, encountered no MiGs, and RTB. We lost one Hog, my wingman fooled around halfway to the target destroying a radar site and, well, I guess HE enountered a MiG lol. That makes three total for killed or MIA from our squadron in two missions. Very sad.



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Nice work Nightshift!!!! Those 'Saders sure are thirsty!


2nd LT Mantell flew another mission with the Md ANG last night. We took out some air defenses, encountered no MiGs, and RTB. We lost one Hog, my wingman fooled around halfway to the target destroying a radar site and, well, I guess HE enountered a MiG lol. That makes three total for killed or MIA from our squadron in two missions. Very sad.





Forgot to add a screenie from last night's Hog mission.


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OK, i'm ready to start my new campaign.


I loved WOV GOLD, but my comp is too old and slow to handle any downtown missions and it takes a really long time to fly missions in Spads. So i'm going to stay with WOE until i get something new.


The pilot is Patrick Stover, USAF. Flying F-105Ds in the 22ndTFS out of Bitburb Airbase, West Germany. Start Date is 26/OCT/62.

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Well, got the call and went to work. On our first mission things were going fine until some Migs showed up. Seeing as we were in quite a predicament, i did the only thing that was possible at the moment. Told everyone to run for it. Capt Kittinger and 2LT Risner were right behind me but my wingman, 2LT Cameron, had a pair of MIG-17s hard on him and he had a devil of a time before he was able to outrun them. He got hit though, a 37mm round did a number on his aircraft. One thing for sure, Ivan is really agressive and will chase you for a long way before giving up.


The second mission i also took 2LT Cameron with me. It was a textbook example on how to use the strengths of the Thud to our advantage. We flew in at 18,000ft and as we closed in on the target, we began a shallow dive to build up speed. About 15 miles from our drop in point, a pair of Mig-17s tried climbing up from 10 O-Clock low but we had a superior position due to our speed and so blew by them. We drop on the target, turned for home and went full burner. The 17s didn't stand a chance at getting us.


The third was a doozy, Capt Kittinger and i were doing fine at 18,000ft until a pair of MIG-21s engaged us climbing from 9 low and converting on our 6. We jettisoned our tanks and bombs and evaded as best we could. At some point i began to act as bait and it worked so i ordered Kittinger home. Thank God those commie missles aren't that good and that 21s are point interceptors because after about 5 minutes of low level evasions, they disengaged. by now i was thinking of going home myself but decided against it. So back up to altitude, half throttle to conserve fuel, and back to the mission. 80 miles later and i had decided on on a plan. I would go in in a fast dive and strafe the target. Then i would turn a few miles out and strafe some more fuel tanks as i blew by oover the field and head home.


And that's what i did except that enemy planes were engaging the flak suppression flight (a pair of Huns). On the second pass, i flew right under a smoking Hun and and whipped the plane back to see if i can help. Well, i saw a Flashlight behind him and closed in fast. Not fast enough though, the F-100 was going down in flames. The Red was still there though and so i closed in. He must have saw me and tried to break right but i had him square in my sights. A short burst and it was all over. I then proceeded to head out low until it was safe enough to climb to altitude and head home.


Only glitch was that i accidently hit ESC whan i was about 30 miles from base. Had about a ton of fuel left so no worries there.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Nice work Stover, er, Carter lol.


These DID campaigns are just friggin great!! I like that you have to try hard like when you said about dropping your tanks to evade then come back at it only to be snagged up again. 2nd Lt. Mantell is still doing well, although I don't know how to take screen shots of the boards at the end of missions or rosters so I can take pics of that. I did start another, 2nd LT James "Jaybird" Notheisen, my real life cousin's name lol (he hates being called Jaybird, so I found it ultra appropriate as a callsign). He is flying Wild Weasel F-4's in 1979. We'll see how that goes....



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Thanks Stingray!


Cater was so missed by everyone at Mektek years ago that Carter actually became my callsign! :grin:


Weasel work in these sims is TOUGH! Hope you have success at it. I myself have never actually done dedicated WW work. In F-4s and A-7s i would have my wingman go after the target while i would be up high and back loaded with ARMs to shut down SAM. It worked more often then not.


Anyways, got two more missions in and will write them up tommorrow after work.


PS-Slartibartfast, many thanks and i hope you make it through your campaign also! :good:

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Hi guys!


I'm wondering if a normal combat mission would not be a disaster narrowly avoided or partially avoided?

Anyway :



14th mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 14.51 – Landing : 15.51


Target : Spangdahlem, Intercept


1 IL-28, 1 MiG-19


Python 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Python 12 : 2Lt Gerald Day


Python 13 : Capt Rolland Kullman


Python 14 : 2Lt Billy Pickett


Report :


Scramble alert, we take off to intercept an enemy raid. Their target seems to be Spangdahlem AB. I decided to take 2Lt Pickett with us…


Once airborne, I called and asked for the intercept parameters, and the answer was the bandits were 20 miles from Wiesbaden AB!


I forgot the flight plan and set a direct course to them. I still don’t know if it was the right thing to do. I soon had a lock on them and prepared to launch the AIM-4Fs. I crossed the path of a C-130 Hercules on the deck (!!!), and felt really surprised and ill at ease. I checked my lock and fired the first AIM-4F only five minutes after the take off.


The Il-28 blown out and I slowed down not to overtake the other Beagle. I launched my second AIM-4F but it missed. I had a lock with an AIM-4G and this one went in the trees… I heard on the radio that someone was in trouble… I asked Python 12 to check status and had no answer, F…! Kullman told me there was MiG-19s in the area. The debriefing revealed those MiGs were attacking Pferdsfeld AB. And now one of them is after us. Python 13 and I were ahead of the MiG, but Python 14 was in his 6. I decided to be the prey and Billy will engage the hunter, so I kept my speed, and called Billy to help us. And Billy never answered… Kullman and I were close to each other and no-one of us didn’t want to let the other alone, with the MiG on his tail. I changed my plan and started a wide turn to go over Ramstein AB. The AAA would help us to deal with the MiG. As soon as I entered the Ramstein aera, with Kullman on my side, the MiG broke up.


I called for Python 14 to join up and a terrible feel of anger had warmed up my temper. This MiG almost got us, and maybe he’s the one that shot down Gerald. All right! I’m after him! I pushed hard and tried to make the damn radar to work. I was really pissed! After I made stupid errors with my switches I had a lock and I still had my AIM-26B to launch. The MiG was turning, so I waited to be the closest as possible to the best angle. The problem was the damn pilot could see me so I fired my SuperFalcon and I stared at it while it was flying to its target. It seemed to be forever before the missile hit the MiG and I saw its pilot under his chute, coming down safely to the ground.


2Lt Gerald Day successfully bailed out over Kaiserslautern and is safe and back among us. Excepting me, nobody shot a single missile, I can’t believe that…


Good luck to all!

And be wise ;)

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It's really annoying when you are the one doing anything in a fight and the AI doesn't have that problem.

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For the forth mission i went out with the CO, Col James Kasler. The ingress was rather routine. Once at the target a comedy of errors began. Knowing that there were Migs in the area. I figured that it would be a straightforward task. Come in, divebomb, use the speed built up in the dive to leave any Mig in the dust. what actually happened was that Kasler went in to his dive and i followed. As i heard him call "bombs away" i thumbed the switch and was suprised that one of the Sidewinders i was carrying launched, then i fiddled around and the 20mm started firing. The ground was coming up fast so i pulled the nose up and used the speed brakes to keep from killing myself. Seeing as the Colonel nailed the target i got rid of the bombs and we got out of there as fast as we could. Lucky for us, that other flights were getting into the area and the Migs just didn't have what it takes to get us.


On OCT 30th it was nice!


Instead of the usual MK117s LT Cameron and i were loaded with 10 low drag 500 pounders. Combined with the centerline tank and an altitude of 15,000 ft, we were making for a pretty difficult intercept in case Ivan wanted to get us as we were moving at a nice clip. We got plenty of warning of MIG activity as other flights inbound north of us ran into trouble and GC gave us lots of info.


It didn't do the Russkies any good as we blasted the target and headed out of there. We had lots of fuel so at full burner, the chances of anyone catching us from behind until we got well clear of the target area was nil.


Finally we climbed back to 15,000 and turned for home.


There was a lot of contacts on the radar including one that was right at our 12. Inquiring with GC, we got the word that they were bogies at 12 low, 25 miles out. Boy, did i get excited and so the stalk began. About 15 miles i dropped the nose and built up a head of steam as we got the info that our target was just ahead. Finally i spotted them, a flight of MIG-17s. Choosing #4 as a target i came in, squeezed a short burst, corrected aim and gunned him down just as he was beginning to break right.


We zoomed by them so fast they didn't have a chance at a shot, then back to altitude we went. In the climb i got mad at myself for not ordering LT Cameron in on the attack. I'm positive that he would have bagged a Mig also since that were fish in a barrel.


All in all, it was a nice mission!

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Boy, is the F-105 a great aircraft.


Had a rather unusual mission on the 31st. Was tasked with taking out some AA guns...But no strike was heading to the area. Mabye intel knows something we don't?


Anyways, LT Risner, Capt Leonard, and LT Priester and myself found ourselves flying a deep flight to north of Berlin. Throughout the ingress i was worried about MIG-21s. Anything else, we drop the nose and leave them behind. The 21 has the speed and missles to ruin our day though and they were our primary threat.


As we found out later. A flight of 21s actually took off from a base and crossed our line of flight about 10 miles ahead of us at low level! It seems no one knew we were there!


As we closed to the target we knew MIGs were in the area so it was simple, two passes and get the hell out of there. And that's exactly how it played out. They were Mig-17s, and they were really determined to get us. They kept on the chase but finally gave up after we zoomed to 20,000ft. Guess they were low on fuel and couldn't spare any for the climb. We then cruised home at half throttle.


Novermber 1st, me and LT Cameron took a trip. It was strickly routine as even if there were Mig-17s in the target area, we came in and got out too fast for them to trouble us.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Last night "Jaybird" flew another Wild Weasel mission; it was a total failure:boredom:


AAR: We took off from Spangdahlem without incident and turned NE heading towards our target area. About 10 minutes into the flight I spotted a large group of contacts on the radar. I locked one of them up and headed downstairs to keep myself from being seen. The formation was on a reciprocal course of mine, and when they wre close enough they were identified as a formation of TU-28 bombers and MiG-23 escorts. I had hoped that the escort fighters would see that we weren't a threat and carry out their mission as ordered, but it was not to be.


One of the MiG's broke and headed down after us. There was about 4NM seperation, and theMiG appeared to be after me, so I sent my wingman, LT TIm Hodgedon, to attack him. I also got myself turned around quickly, no east feat in a WW F-4, to catch him a turn if LT Hodgedon missed with missiles. He connected with an Aim-9L, but then I saw a third spec behind him, one unnoticed previously!!! It was another MiG, and he shot a missile right into Lt. Hodgedon. I locked the MiG up and shot an Aim-7 at him, but it failed to track. We got into a scissors of sorts, another very risky thing to do in a WW F-4, and somehow I managed to spit him out in front. I shot every one of my Aim-9's (4) at him and all of them failed to track even though they were within envelope for the missiles. I then worked on pushing him out so I could engage him with my radar missiles. Three times I had him in radar missile envelopes, and three times the missiles either failed to track or flew into the ground. I went 0:7 on missile shots, my wingman went 1:1 but was shot down. Realizing I had no offensive capabilities for a/a or a/g (I had dumped my externals in the first pass) and was running out of fuel fast turning with this dude, I set him up to try to turn on my away from my intended track home, and when he did I dipped the nose and headed for Spangdahlem. He gave chase, but I flew him over some AAA sites and he decided to leave me alone. This pilot was very good!! I landed safely with no further incident.


Signed: 2nd LT James Notheisen



Cliff, you know me man, I am pretty good with missiles these days after reading from The Book. Unbelievable, not one single missile hit lol. The enemy took whatever town it was after, and I was hoping that maybe some fighters took off to intercept the bombers, but no, they were successful. Hopefully after a few days rest Jaybird can get up in the air again and hit back hard at the enemy. Lt Hodgedon was picked up by friendlies with no injuries after evading for a few hours, he is back on flight status and I will ensure that he goes with Jaybird on the next mission as well. Both of these two men are the squadron's only MiG killers. Wish them luck!!




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