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TA-4J Skyhawk (ModelNoseName)

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Hi :)


It seems to me that TA-4J Skyhawk don't have guns.

Wrench explain a very simple way of removing parts of the 3D model and I'd like to try it to remove the guns from the current TA-4J model.

There's no OUT file in my TA-4J folder.


Does somebody know what's the ModelNoseName to use to remove the guns?


Thank you



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For One.....Skyhawks don't have Guns in their Noses. So no need to remove them. Second, The 20mm Mk 12's are in the Wing Root where the Fuselage meets the Wing. There are two of them and every Model of A-4 is capable of using them. Yes, Even the TA-4J of U.S.Navy Trainning Commands could have them mounted. TA-4F's of the USMC and USN had them most certianly.


But to Remove the Guns. Go into the Guns Section of the TA-4J_DATA.ini and remove that Section. Then, Remove the SystemName=Gun from each Wing. Then You'd have a "Gun Slickd'" TA-4........




Edited by 331Killerbee

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I was just along for the backseat rides with VF-126 and couldn't recall for sure.


but a quick check






"The TA-4J differed from the TA-4F through the removal of the tactical weapons system and aerial tanker components, and utilization of the J52-P6 engine instead of the higher-rated J52-P8."


which certainly implies the guns were removed. the photo backs that up. I don't see them although from the angle it is kinda hard to tell.



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I was just along for the backseat rides with VF-126 and couldn't recall for sure.



Surprising that the Navy still has TA-4's here in 2009. USMC OA-4M's were turned in 89' for F/A-18D's.........




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Surprising that the Navy still has TA-4's here in 2009. USMC OA-4M's were turned in 89' for F/A-18D's.........





they don't. I flew with them a couple of times between about 1975 to 1980. I controlled them a lot.

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This will remove a Mesh.


You will need the exact name of the part you want.

And place it in places with red mark.

Try using an EX-EDITOR.

and opens the file OUT.

and look at the weapons and their name Exact

It is not easy and takes time.





DATA INI TA-4J ......





Component[012]=Name gun








[Name Gun ]


ModelNodeName=Name Gun

DestroyedNodeName=Name Gun







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Mesh/node names are:





that'll remove the visible barrels. To remove the guns themselves, see Gunny's post above. You can even just comment out the SystemName= instead of deleting the gun entries, in either the wings or the //Guns callouts in the weapon section. BTW, don't forget to renumber the SystemNames:




--other crap snipped for bervity--




//SystemName[004]=LeftGun <-- double slash, commented out






--still more crap circumsized for brevity--



//SystemName[004]=RightGun <-- double slash, commented out






Doing it the above way, lets you easily 'turn-it-around' back to full combat status. Of Course, you'll have to either delet or comment out the added 'remove components' sections up at the top of the data.ini. OR.... do a 'save as...' ori_TA-4J_DATA.INI, without making any changes to it, and restoration to full combat is just a rename away.



Cliff, you NEED to get a hex editor, and learn how to use it. It's super simple, as we (that means pretty much ALL of use!!!) never use it for anything other than looking for mesh names.


I use XVI32; it quick, easy and best of all free!!!



kevin stein

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Hi :)


Thanks all of you!


I did copy the TA-4J_data.ini to get the guns back by renaming the data.ini good.gif



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