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von Baur

Help hosting

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My connection seems more stable lately, and I wouldn't mind trying to host a session now and then. I've followed Duck's tutorial and feel relatively confident except in one area: ports and port forwarding. I'm on a wireless connection and a wireless router and there's no way to connect directly with my modem, even temporarily. If any of you who host on a regular basis can help me, I'd appreciate it. Have been popping onto TS off and on yesterday and today without any luck (though I did see Stumper on but inactive a lot last evening) and will try again tonight and tomorrow.

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Hi Von Baur, i'am the same as you mate,wireless the thing i'am affraid of is if i port foward will it mess the other 3 computers up that use it.?

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Well, Duck helped me forward mine the other evening. It didn't mess up any other computers accessing the net, but we still couldnt' get him to connect to my machine. Neither of us was sure why. I'm also willing to help host, just as soon as I figure out the connection thing.

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Well thanks to Sitting duck i am now able to host, we sorted it out last night and it worked so any of the euro boy's that want to fly MP give me a shout.

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Didnt suggetst this to ppl in the past only cause its something ive never tried, (as i have never had the need) and am hesitant to recommend something im not fully familiar with.


PortForward.com (very very reputable site), has a port checker utility. Looked at the page, and its simple to run, and gives difinitive results.


Would suggest those that appear to have the router set up right, but still cant get ppl to join, to install, and run it. If anything, it will let us know that it is or is not a router issue,,and the problem lies elsewhere..




ports to check are 2300, 28883, 28884, 28885, 28886, 28887 all in udp


if you dont remeber your internal ip, you will have to go back to your command promt and run ipconfig.

it will be something in this format. 192.168.x.x



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Hey, Ducky! Did some poking around (which usually gets me slapped, btw) and found that my router does have an internal firewall that is on by default. Have turned it off and am on TS right now if you want to try connecting. (Nearly 1:00pm EST and will be going to the pilot's briefing room for a few minutes soon, but will stay active on TS.)

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Didnt suggetst this to ppl in the past only cause its something ive never tried, (as i have never had the need) and am hesitant to recommend something im not fully familiar with.


PortForward.com (very very reputable site), has a port checker utility. Looked at the page, and its simple to run, and gives difinitive results.


Would suggest those that appear to have the router set up right, but still cant get ppl to join, to install, and run it. If anything, it will let us know that it is or is not a router issue,,and the problem lies elsewhere..




ports to check are 2300, 28883, 28884, 28885, 28886, 28887 all in udp


if you dont remeber your internal ip, you will have to go back to your command promt and run ipconfig.

it will be something in this format. 192.168.x.x



Thanks Duck!


Turns out that none of my ports are open. I found a place to specify in my firewall, and have set it to what I think is correct. Next time I catch someone on, I'll give it a shot again and see.

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ok...am on teamspeak now (3ish edt),,,and will check every so often,,,


if we dont seem to hook up,,,just put up a dogfight,,and let it sit....pretty sure ive got everyones ip,,but post it just in case,.

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