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Guest British_eh

Easy Questions for the Dev's

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Guest British_eh

Hi there:


1. Is it a coincidence? In reviewing my claims it seems as though where my Gunner clearly shot down the enemy craft, and it was indicated so in the Combat Claim Report, that the claim was rejected, 3 X in fact. So, given all other events meeting the criteria for a legitimate claim, will you be thwarted and thus rejected, if your Gunner has shot down the enemy?


2. If you switch to the Gunner position, and shoot down an Enemy plane, will you get credit, given all other parameters are legitimate?


Thanks so much!







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In a two-seater, the gunner's and your own shooting adds up to the same result.

Your gunner CAN shoot down craft alone, which you can claim and can get confirmed.


I assume, you had no witnesses close enough - your gunner is no witness.

I had that several times - the others where too far away, and bang! went another claim.


I recommend to fly the two-seater, cause you will do that more evasive than AI.

On the other hand, AI gunner shoots better than you with that gun (hard to aim with a joystick).

Edited by Olham

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